小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Penny: Hey, guys, did you get my mail?
-Leonard: Yeah, right here. How was Nebraska?
-Penny: Well, better than north Dakota. I guess that job is only funny in Nebraska.
-Sheldon: From the data at hand, you really can’t __________1_________. All you can say with absolute certainty is that joke is not funny here.
-Penny: Boys, it’s good to be back.
-Leonard: How’s your family
-Penny: It was the worst trip. Everyone got sick over the weekend.
-Leonard: Sick?
-Sheldon: Here we go. What kind of sick?
-Penny: The flu, I guess.
-Sheldon: I don’t need you to guess. I need you to know. Now, when did the ___2___ first appear?
-Penny: Maybe Friday.
-Sheldon: Friday. Was that morning or afternoon?
-Penny: I…I don’t…
-Sheldon: Think, woman, who blew their nose and when?
-Leonard: Sheldon, relax. She doesn’t have any symptoms. I’m sure she’s not contagious.
-Sheldon: Oh, please. If influenza was only contagious after symptoms appear, it would have _____3_____ thousand of years ago. Somewhere between tool using and cave painting, Homo habits would here figured out how to kill the guy with the ________4_______.
-Leonard: Penny, you’ll have to excuse Sheldon. He’s a bit of a germaphobe.
-Penny: It’s okay. I understand.
-Sheldon: _____________________5____________________.
-Leonard: You’d better go before he starts ____6___ you with Iysol.
-Penny: Okay, well, thank you for getting my mail.
-Leonard: No problem. Welcome home.
-Sheldon: What?
draw that conclusion symptoms died out rummy nose Thanks for your consideration, now please leave spraying
-Penny: 伙计们好,拿了我的信件了么? -Leonard: 是,在这。 内布拉斯加那边怎么样? -Penny: 比北达科他州强。 我猜这笑话只有在内布拉斯加州才好笑。 -Sheldon: 就目前的数据来说,你还不能得出这结论。你所能唯一确定的是这笑话在这儿不好笑。 -Penny: 兄弟们,回来真好。 -Leonard: 你家人怎么样? -Penny: 这趟旅行简直不能再糟了。一个周末下来家里人全病了。 -Leonard: 病了? -Sheldon: 又来了。什么病? -Penny:我猜,就是流感吧。 -Sheldon: 我不是要你猜,我要你确定。第一次出现症状是在什么时候? -Penny: 大概是周五。 -Sheldon: 周五,上午还是下午? -Penny: 我…我不… -Sheldon: 小姐,好好想想,是谁?在什么时候擦过鼻子? -Leonard: 没事的,Sheldon。她没有任何症状,我确定她不会传染。(contagious:传染性的) -Sheldon: 拜托。 如果流感只是在症状出现后才会感染,那它早该在几千年前就消失了。在开始使用石器工具和创作洞穴壁画的年代,能人们肯定会想方设法干掉流着鼻涕的家伙的。(homo :人;rummy:危险的) -Leonard: Penny,你要原谅Sheldon,他有点病理恐惧。 -Penny: 没关系,我能理解。 -Sheldon:谢谢你的体谅,现在请你离开。 -Leonard: 你最好趁他还没拿出消毒水对着你喷之前,赶紧闪。 -Penny: 好的,谢谢你替我拿信件。 -Leonard: 小意思,欢迎回家。 -Sheldon: 怎么了? (翻译解析提供:脏乖)