小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Penny:Aw, I cannot believe Christy let Howard into my apartment.
-Sheldon:And I cannot believe people pay for ____1____, but on a more serious note, it's 8:13 and we're still not playing Halo.
-Leonard:Okay, fine. We'll just play one-on-one until he gets back.
-Sheldon:One-on-one? We don't play one-on-one. We play teams, not one-on-one. One-on-one.
-Leonard:Well, the only way we can play teams ___2___ is if we cut Raj in half.
-Raj:Oh sure, cut the foreigner in half. There's a billion more where he came from.
-Penny:Hey, if you guys need a fourth, I'll play.
-Leonard:Great idea.
-Sheldon:No. The wheel was a great idea, relativity was a great idea. This is a ___3___, and a rather suck one at that.
-Sheldon:Why? Oh, Penny, Penny, Penny.
-Penny:Oh, what, what, what?
-Sheldon:This is a complex battle ___4___ with a steep learning curve. There are myriad weapons, vehicles and strategies to master not to mention an extremely intricate back-story.
-Penny:Oh cool. Whose head did I just ________5_______?
-Penny:Okay, I got this. ________6______, boys.
-Leonard:It's the only way we can play teams.
-Sheldon:Yes, but whoever's her partner will be hamstrung by her lack of experience, and not to mention the fact...
-Sheldon:Okay, it's not good sportsmanship to shoot somebody who's just re-spawned. You need to give them a chance to... Now, come on! Raj, Raj! She's got me cornered. Cover me!
-Penny:Cover this, suckers!
-Leonard:Penny, you are on fire!
-Penny:Yes, and so is Sheldon.
-Sheldon:Okay, that's it. I don't know how, but she is cheating. No one can be that attractive and this skilled at a video game.
-Penny:Wait, wait, Sheldon, come back. You forgot something.
-Penny:This plasma grenade.
horoscopes at this point notion simulation blow off Lock and load There goes your head again
-Penny:真不敢相信Christy让Howard进了我的公寓。 -Sheldon:我也不信会有人花钱去算命。再严肃提醒你们一下,现在8:13了,我们并没有在玩"光晕"。(horoscope:星座) -Leonard:好吧。我们先单打独斗,顺便等他回来。 -Sheldon:单打独斗? 我们从不单打独斗,我们都是组队行动。不是单打独斗,居然要单打独斗... -Leonard:那现在我们能组队的唯一方法就是把Raj切成两半。(cut in half:切成两半) -Raj:当然了,把这个外国人切两半没什么,他的祖国还有十几亿人呢。 -Penny:嘿,如果你们三缺一,我可以来玩。 -Leonard:好主意。 -Sheldon:不行。轮子的发明才是好主意,相对论才是好主意。这只是个想法,还是个很烂的想法。(notion:突然的念头;suck:使人不快的) -Penny:为什么? -Sheldon:为什么?哦,Penny, Penny, Penny -Penny:哦,怎么,怎么,怎么? -Sheldon:这是个复杂的模拟对战游戏,需要学习的东西有很多。要灵活运用无数种武器、交通工具和攻略,更不用说错综复杂的背景故事了。(simulation:模拟;steep:陡得;curve:曲线;myriad:无数的,大量的;master:控制;not to mention:更不用说;intricate:错综复杂的; back-story:背景故事) -Penny:酷,我刚爆了谁的头? -Sheldon:我的。 -Penny:好了,我懂了。放马过来吧,小子们。 -Leonard:只有这样我们才能组队打。 -Sheldon:但她缺乏经验,和她一队的人会被她拖后腿,更不用说...( hamstrung:使无能为力) -Penny:哈,又爆了你的头。 -Sheldon:在别人复活的时候攻击,是非常违反游戏道德的。你得给他们个机会... 别这样! Raj,Raj,她把我逼到墙角了,快掩护我。(sportsmanship:运动家精神;spawn:大量产(卵);cornered:被逼致绝路;cover:掩护) -Penny:尝尝这个,傻瓜们。 -Leonard:Penny ,你火力真猛。 -Penny:是啊, Sheldon也着火了。 -Sheldon:好了,够了。我不知道怎么回事,但她作弊了。不可能有人既长得漂亮,又擅长玩电子游戏。 -Penny:等等,Sheldon, 回来,你忘了件东西。 -Sheldon:什么? -Penny:等离子手雷一枚。(plasma:等离子体;grenade:手榴弹) (翻译解析提供:脏乖)