小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Sheldon:You know how I know we're not in the matrix?
-Sheldon:If we were, the food would be better.
-Leslie:Hey, Leonard.
-Leonard:Hey, Leslie.
-Leslie:Hey, dummy.
-Sheldon:Hello, to you... ____________1_____________.
-Leslie:Ooh, rush me to the burn unit. Hey, Leonard, do you have a second? I need to ask you something.
-Sheldon:Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go do work that promises significant results, as opposed to what you do... which does not. Yeah, ________2_______.
-Leslie:So, I heard your relationship with Penny _______3_______ like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory.
-Leonard:Where did you hear that?
-Leslie:Actually, I read it. Wolowitz texted me.
-Leonard:Like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory, yeah.
-Leslie:I thought it was a pretty good one. I gave him an LOL. Anyway, it got me thinking. Now that you're ___4___, maybe we can revisit our previous attachment.
-Leonard:Are you suggesting another bout of stress release?
-Leslie:No, I'm all done with casual sex. From now on, I'm fully committed to the traditional relationship paradigm.
-Leonard:Really? What changed?
-Leslie:It's hard to say. I guess there's just a time in every woman's life when she gets tired of waking up on a strange futon with a bunch of people she doesn't know.
-Leonard:Yeah, I can see how that would… a bunch of people?
-Leslie:Anyway, I figure it's time to slow things down and who better to slow things down with than you?
-Leonard:Oh... I'm ___5___. So how do you suggest we proceed?
-Leslie:Your place, we'll order Chinese, you'll rent a movie, artsy, but accessible, then light petting, no coitus.
-Leonard:Sounds fun.
-Leslie:I'll leave the details up to you. I think it's better if you assume the _________6_________.
-Leonard:Thank you, that's very thoughtful.
-Leslie:Great. Call me.
insufficiently intelligent person you heard me crashed to the ground unattached flattered male role