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mad crazy angry anger anxious anxiety hunger hungry thirsty famine starve carve chop slit slice
—————————与“发怒”相关的单词———————— mad: She went mad after the death of her son. crazy: crazy like a fox 非常狡猾 angry:angry+ at/with/about + sth. ————词根ang,anxi=to strangle(勒死,窒息)———— anger anxious:The week of the flood was an anxious time for all of us. anxiety:作“令人焦虑之事”之意时,是可数名词,例:That is a great anxiety to me. ————————与“饥渴”相关的单词—————— hunger:有“饥渴”之意,例:He has a hunger for/after knowledge thirsty famine:有“奇缺”之意,例:There was a famine of water in this locality. starve:有“渴望”之意,例:The plants are starving for water. carve:有“开创(事业等);开拓”之意,例:They carved out an orchard where there was wild grass. →hunger与starvation的辨析:   两词都有“饥饿”之意。 hunger指人对食物的迫切要求,是一种正常的生理现象。如:Hunger is the best sauce.肚子饿了吃什么都香。而starvation指长时间缺乏食物引起痛苦,与hunger相比是不正常的生理现象,而是人为的灾难。如:The old man died of starvation.那个老人活活饿死了。 ———————与“切、割”相关的单词——————— chop:Please chop up the vegetables. slit:slither 使滑行 slice:作名词时的例子:For breakfast, she had only a slice of bread and butter.作动词时的例子:She sliced the onion and put it in the beef stew. (翻译解析提供:脏乖)