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being human male female sex junior senior youth youthful adult elder puppet orphan mature infant childish childhood neighborhood father father-in-law twin cousin nephew niece widow couple double pair compare comparison peer
————————与“人”相关的单词———————— being:作“存在”时是不可数名词,例: When did the universe come into being? 作“生物”,例:Has anybody ever seen any beings from outer space? human:It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. male female: Sewing is considered a female occupation. sex:性别,gender junior:可置于姓名后表示同名父子中的子或同姓两人中的较年幼者,例:Mr. Smith Junior is in charge of this department. senior:老...,大...John Parker, Senior is the father of John Parker, Junior. youth youthful adult:“成熟的”,例:Dick is a rather adult child. elder:elder brother puppet:有“傀儡,受他人操纵的人”之意,例:Are we the puppets of fate? orphan:有一部恐怖片就叫这个啦~ mature:词义辨析: 1) adult :一般指生理上的童年期已结束,达到法定年龄。 2) grown-up :多用于口语,含义与adult基本相同,但更侧重脱离儿童阶段,已成大人,与childish意思相反。 3) mature :用于生物时,指完全长好了。用于人时,指达到了生命的黄金时期,但所暗示的青少年和成年之间的界限不明显。 infant:My infant for once lay quiet in his cradle. childish: 有“幼稚的;傻气的”的意思,是贬义词,例:Crying for things you can't have is childish. childhood neighborhood: They live in the neighborhood of the TV station. father father-in-law twin: She gave birth to twins. cousin nephew niece:注意读音 widow: His widowed mother brought him up. couple:有“几个,三两个”之意,例:They walked a couple of miles. pair: That pair are always quarreling. ——————————————词根par=equeal—————————————— compare comparison:His comparison of the heart to a pump helped the children understand its action. peer:有“隐约出现;出现”之意,例:The moon peered out from behind clouds. 还有“同龄人之意” (翻译解析提供:脏乖)