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endless ending end cease halt quit pause interrupt interruption bother disturb annoy troublesome bore boring tedious dull
——————————与“结束、停止”相关的单词—————————— endless :环状的, 例:This is an endless chain. ending end:(通常用于动词不定式)超过,胜过: 例:You just committed the blunder to end all blunders. cease:停止,结束(+v-ing) 例:The general ordered his troops to cease fire. halt:停止行进;停止;终止, 例:The soldiers halted for a few minutes. quit:离开;迁出, 例:If he doesn't pay his rent, he will receive notice to quit. pause:中断;暂停;停顿,例:He paused when he heard steps behind him. -----------------------------与“打扰”相关的单词------------------------- interrupt:打断, 例:I don't want to interrupt you. Go on with your story. interruption:中止,阻碍,障碍物;例:The rain continued without interruption all day. bother:使恼怒,例:The way my brother talked to mother bothered me. disturb:使心神不宁,例:She was disturbed to hear you had been injured in the accident. annoy:打搅,困扰, 例:These flies are annoying me. troublesome:He is a troublesome child. bore: 令人讨厌的人, 例:I think he is a dreadful bore. boring :It was boring to sit there without anything to do. tedious: 冗长乏味的;使人厌烦的,例:The job is tedious, but the pay is good. dull:不明显的,隐约的,模糊的, 例:He had a dull pain in the chest. →troubled和troublesome辨析: (1)troubled的意思是“烦恼的”、“困惑的”、“不安的”或“动乱的”,相当于英语的 worried,perplexed or disturbed。搭配的词有:~countenance;~voice;~look;~areas;~times;~waters (2)troublesome的意思是“令人感到烦难的”、“不易处理的”,相当于causing trouble和 hard to deal with。搭配使用的词有:~ problem;~ cough;~ child (翻译解析提供:脏乖)