3. What do you feel like the most different thing about the Chinese students and the students in Canada? You’ve been teaching in Canada for many years.

I think, probably the attitude toward teachers is really different. There’re lots of kids back in Canada too. But it’s quite different here in China. For instance, if I was walking on the street in my home town, there is student on other side of the street, even if on the same side of the street, he might be ignoring, just walk passed. They are cool to the teacher. Here, if I see a student on the other side of the street, quite often they cross the street, come over say hi. You know the same thing is you are walking in the hall, there are always “good morning, teacher” “good morning, how are you”. That’s really neat. And actually the most rewarding part of my career has been these students in China. I enjoy that more than any other part of my career.

I feel a little bit proud, actually.

You should be.

4. From what I heard is like students in China, they are really good students. They obey the teachers. But we are a little bit afraid of the thing about they lack of the creativity during their study. I believe, maybe that’s one of your reasons to start international school.

That’s correct. When I was in Daqing teaching in a public school, I notice that students never ask why. If I said something, they believe it. They never question it. But in West, kids always ask why, why, why. And they will accept it if you come up with good reason and they accept most things. Whereas here I find students just accept it. And if teacher says it’s right, that’s right. What I was trying to do is I try to get students start to think, put together their own thoughts. It’s one of the biggest differences between Canadian or West education and Chinese. Chinese education is what called converging thinking. Everybody comes together, they come out one answer. And the answer is the one on the text book or what their teacher tells them. We try to do the opposite. We do diverging thinking. We say you come with your own answer because we believe sometimes it has more than one answer to a problem, and sometimes it has more than one way to answer a problem. Stop on a same answer. So we try to encourage kids to be cracker.

Would you say you’ve reached a success now?

In most records, yes. By time they get English well, certainly. You know, we look at the successful rate of our students in university, yes, well means.

5. Would you say this is the biggest difference between your school and local public Chinese school?

That’s one of the biggest differences. The other big difference I will say is in extracurricular activities. We will not only live on mark’s report and the classroom’s report and discover how you find information, teacher helps you to find information rather than be the information itself. But outside the classroom is very important too. Like friends being involved, varieties of sports, varieties of clubs. Researches show that students are most successful are not necessary won the highest marks; they are the ones are most involved in school because they’ve learned skills like leadership, teamwork, things are vary valuable as you probably know.