1 optimism n. 乐观

Tom expressed optimism about the future. 汤姆对未来表示乐观。

2 motivated adj. 积极的

Kathy is amotivated person. 凯西是个积极的人。

3 accident n. 意外事故

Bill’s little son died in a car accident years ago. 比尔的小儿子多年前死于车祸。

4 challenge n. 挑战

Brian is not afraid of any challenge. 布莱恩不畏任何挑战。

5 overcome v. 克服

She overcame her inability to hear and learned to play the cello. 她克服耳聋的障碍,还是学会了拉大提琴。

6 paralyzed adj. 瘫痪的

His left arm was paralyzed. 他的左手臂瘫痪。

7 football n. 足球

Tom is on the college football team. 汤姆在大学橄榄球校队踢球。

8 professionally adv. 专业地

Sue handled this work professionally. 苏专业地处理这项工作。

9 injure v. 伤害

Frank’s back was injured. 法兰克的背受伤了。

10 decade n. 十年

He has changed drastically during the last decade. 他在过去十年变化很大。

11 exhausting adj. 使人精疲力竭的

Playing football is very exhausting. 踢橄榄球会让人精疲力竭。

12 be worth it 有价值

It’s expensive, but it was worth it for the knowledge you gained. 这很贵,可是就能得到知识这点是很值得的。

13 water ski v. 滑水

Tom is learning to water ski. 汤姆正在学滑水。

14 ski  n. 滑雪

Franceis noted for its ski facilities. 法国以滑雪设施优良著名。

15 hike n. 远足

We are going on a six-mile hike to the lake. 我们将远足六英里到湖边。

16 kayak v. 泛舟; n. 舟

I own a kayak. 我拥有一艘小船。

17 motivational adj. 激励人心的

I have never seen such a motivational speaker like Mark. 我从未见过像马克那么激励人心的演说家。

18 physical adj. 身体上的

Going hiking is one form of physical exercise. 远足是一种体能运动。

19 honest adj. 诚实的

Please be honest. 请诚实。

20 demand v. 需要

They demanded the right of veto. 他们要求否决权。

21 intense adj. 强烈的

The fracture caused Jimmy intense pain. 骨折令吉米感到非常痛。

22 focus n. 注意力;焦点

Tom Cruise is always the focus of the media.


23 dedication  n. 专心致力

Her dedication to R&D gained the respect of her colleagues. 她专心致力于研发,得到同事的敬重。

24 above all 最重要的

He is kind, tender, and above all, honest. 他很善良、温柔,而且最重要的是他很诚实。

25 failure n. 失败

Nick was doomed to failure. 尼克注定要失败。



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译