
Who better to prepare guys to gain a foothold in this war than ancient military strategist and the mastermind behind The Art of War, Sun Tzu? He didn’t know it at the time, but Sun Tzu was the original “Mack Daddy” and not only laid out the rules, strategies and tactics for conquering armies and winning wars, he also laid out the rules, strategies and tactics for conquering women and winning dates. So if you’re ready to stop surrendering and retreating alone to your empty apartment, here are 10 things Sun Tzu can teach men about dating.



No.10 Know your enemy(了解你的敌人)

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles... If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” This is where most guys suffer defeat every day. We may think we know women and what a woman wants, but most of us really don’t. If we did, we wouldn’t be buying her drinks all night long, knowing that she equates buying her a drink with a pickup attempt. That brings her defenses into position, instantly sending you to the “Guy Who Wants to Get in My Pants” pile. If you knew that what she really wants is to have fun and be entertained, you’d use a different approach instead of being a walking wallet.



No.9 Have a plan(有计划的行动)

“The general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought.”

Most guys go out at night with one objective: Meet women and get laid. And that’s about the extent of their planning. They head out recklessly shooting at anything and everything that gets within range. Women, on the other hand, have been in the trenches a lot longer, and they plan their evening -- where they’ll go, how long they’ll stay at each place, who will be the DD, and how they’ll deflect the advances of the endless barrage of jerks, douchebags and assholes bombarding them with lame pickup lines and awkward approaches.

So you’ll need to be prepared and lay some plans of your own, and one of them is...





No.8 Choose your wingmen wisely(明智地选择你的战友)

Sun Tzu wanted generals under his command who were “in complete accord with their ruler,” willing to follow their leader into battle regardless of the dangers or consequences. So take a look at the guys you go out with. Joe may be great to hang with at a sports bar, having a beer or two while watching the game, but is he suited to be your wingman when you approach a group of hot women? Or will he try to cockblock you, just stand there like an idiot or make a fool of himself and you? If so, you might want to consider leaving him off the invite list on the nights you go out to meet women.



No.7 Maintain discipline(坚持原则)

Sun Tzu demanded “discipline be rigorously enforced” in his generals. He knew that being sloppy meant getting killed. When meeting women, being sloppy means getting shot down. Women are wily adversaries, and if you’re not on your best game and on your toes at all times, they’ll cut you off at the knees. So that means if your mission is to meet women, don’t overimbibe. And that goes for your wingmen too. Because if you’re drunker than she is, you’re walking into a gunfight with a water balloon.



No.6 Make her want you(让她依赖你)

“To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”

Sun Tzu knew that the surest way to victory was to not have to step on the battlefield, but to get the enemy to give up the fight before it even starts. It’s the same with women. The minute she knows you’re attempting to pick her up, her defenses slam into place. And they are not easy to maneuver around. The idea is to engage her and build attraction before she thinks your intention is to get her back to your place. So instead of buying her a drink, try an Opinion Opener.

Ever met a woman who didn’t want to give her opinion on something? Like unicorns and an NFL collective bargaining agreement, they don’t exist. So walk up and ask for her opinion on blind dates after a breakup, on flossing before or after brushing, on just about anything. And get her talking. Let her see what a unique, interesting and entertaining guy you are before she thinks you’re trying to stage a coup in her bedroom. Plus, opinions are not yes or no questions. Asking “Can I buy you a drink?” or “Would you like to dance?” gives her the opportunity to say no. And you chance losing the battle after a single shot.





No.5 Take the initiative(采取主动)

“Good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat... ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive. Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength.”

Strength (of character, not physical strength, Arnold) is a powerful attraction fuel. Women love men who are self-confident and decisive. Sun Tzu also advised: “The good fighter will be terrible in his onset, and prompt in his decision. Energy may be likened to the bending of a crossbow; decision to the releasing of the trigger.” You can’t “sort of” fire a crossbow.

So don’t stand there smiling across the bar, waiting for her to come to you. Take the initiative. You’ll be rewarded for it.





No.4 Know the qualities you desire(清楚你想要的类型)

“We cannot enter into alliances until we are acquainted with the designs of our neighbors.”

There’s a whole lotta crazy floating around out there, and many of us have war stories of our less-than-stable girlfriends past. And this comes from our willingness to hook up with any woman who is willing, while ignoring obvious red flags. Then we end up with half our stuff gone and “Dickhead” painted on the hood of our car in nail polish.

Knowing what qualities you want in a woman as well as what qualities are deal breakers makes the decision whether to enter into an alliance easier. So make a list of the qualities you want -- and don’t want -- in a woman. Then stick to it.





No.3 Don't be a pushover(不要被人左右你的思想)

“Do not swallow a bait offered by the enemy.

Women have a way of weeding out the men they don’t want. And they do it with something affectionately known as a Sh*t Test. It’s bait she’ll dangle out there to see if you bite, usually in the form of a mild insult or a snarky attitude. “Who picked out that shirt for you?” “Why would you admit you listen to country music?” She’s looking to see how you react -- if you’ll roll over and show your belly: “Yeah, this shirt is kinda ugly. I shoulda worn my blue one.” Show weakness, and you’re finished. She wants to see if you’ll stand your ground: “You’re crazy! This shirt is the hottest thing in Europe. Hasselhoff was wearing one at his concert in Berlin, so you know it’s the sh*t. I bought three of them.”




No.2 Think on your feet(驻足思考)

Sun Tzu knew that even though he was well prepared to go into battle, things don’t always go according to plan. And situations could arise that were out of his control. So when they came up, he didn’t panic. He rolled with it.

Know that this is going to happen when you approach women. Every interaction is different, and unforeseen things can come at you from all directions. So rather than panic and fold up your tents, learn to think on your feet and deal with whatever resistance comes at you.




No.1 Use other women to your advantage(让其他女人成为你的智囊团)

"The dispositions of an enemy are ascertainable through spies and spies alone."

Sun Tzu had a way of gathering intel on his enemies without the use of satellites or drones armed with infrared cameras. He used spies. And many times they were enemy soldiers he “turned.” They were his secret weapon, and they can be yours too. And the best spies in the battle of the sexes? Other women. Not only can they give you insight into the minds of your targets, but they raise your value to other women and get you into conversations with hot women faster. James Bond used Pussy Galore; you should too.


