
bacon 火腿

cream cheese  奶油干酪(就是奶油起司啦)

green onion  绿洋葱 (咱们就用紫色的洋葱代替吧)

hot pepper sauce 辣椒酱(呵呵这个根据大家的口味进行调味)

dried oregano 干牛至(这个,在咱们中国是一味中药吧。还挺漂亮的呢。这个咱们可以用香菜啊啥的代替)

 large mushrooms  大的白蘑菇,也称白的口蘑

接下来是英文表达啦,咱们称之vocabulary take away!!



Hors d' oeuvres  开胃菜
A side dish  小菜,副菜

说到咱们的酿蘑菇 It's nice and crispy 又脆又好吃(事实上是外酥内软啊!!)

crispy a. 酥脆的,脆的

  • I love cornflake, it is nice and crispy.我喜欢玉米片,又脆又好吃。
  • The food is fluffy and crispy 这食物是外酥内软。(当然还可以说:crispy with soft/crispy outside and tender inside)

Tender v.使变嫩,变柔软 a. 嫩的,软的

  • The meat is tender and tastes sweet outside and salty inside.让人感觉肉的口感是外表松脆香甜,里面略带咸味。


  • 使用手把什么东西挖出来:pop sth off with your fingers
  • 用水果刀去修整一下/挖出来等:using a paring knife to trim sth off.

Wipe off=wipe away 把······擦去

  • Please wipe off the board.  请把黑板擦一擦。
  • What's Plan B? B Erase all the hard drives, scrap the surveillance tapes, wipe our fingerprints off every surface and run.Why wasn't that Plan A?


  • Daily maintenance: use, using tissues along the brush, wipe off the excess residue of cosmetics. 平日保养:使用后,用面巾纸顺着刷毛,将多余残留的化妆品擦去。

