
○Related Knowledge

1. the Moorish halls with their golden cupolas and coloured walls(摩尔人的有金色圆顶和彩色墙壁的辉煌大殿):指清真寺(mosque),因为非洲信仰伊斯兰教的摩尔人在第8世纪曾经征服过西班牙。

2. the serpent, the father of lies:据希伯来人的神话,人类的始祖亚当和夏娃在天国里过着快乐的生活。因为受了蛇的教唆,夏娃和亚当吃了智慧果,以为这样就可以跟神一样聪明。结果两人都被上帝驱出了天国。见《圣经·旧约全书·创世纪》第三章。

3. 牧师说那孩子可能是“意大利人或西班牙人”,因为他们住在较热的南欧,皮肤较一般北欧人黑。(插花:看APH的同学应该记得亲分那身棕褐色的健康皮肤XD)

4. Lokeman:这是北欧神话中的一种神仙。(插花:北欧神话是许多故事的出处,学英国文学时,最开篇的Beowulf——即史诗《贝奥武甫》——就是源自北欧传说。这个拍过电影哦,安吉丽娜·朱莉演的=V=)

5. Wendels:这是现在住在德国东部施普雷(Spree)流域的一个属于斯拉夫系的民族,人口约15万。在第六世纪他们是一个强大的民族,占有德国和北欧广大的地区。(插花:斯拉夫民族一向很剽悍,虽然以前被欺负得很惨,但后来都以相当粗暴乃至血腥的手段把场子找回来了,凄惨的普鲁士、波兰和立陶宛啊……)

6. the Longobardi or Lombards:指龙哥巴尔第这个民族,在意大利文里是Longobardi,即“长胡子的人”的意思。他们原住在德国和北欧,在第六世纪迁移到意大利。现在意大利的隆巴第省(Lombardia)就是他们过去的居留地。

7. the land of the Lombards:指意大利。

8. Holy Communion(圣餐式):基督教的一种宗教仪式,教徒们领食少量的饼和酒,表示纪念耶稣。饼代表耶稣的肉(flesh),而酒代表他的血(blood)。

9. Leviathan:《圣经》中叙述为象征邪恶的海中怪兽。见《旧约全书·约伯记》第41章。

10. the white figure:这是一个木雕的人像,一般安在船头,古时的水手迷信它可以“破浪”,使船容易向前行驶。

○Several Important Words and Phrases



[U and C] a small tree with smooth shiny dark green leaves that do not fall in winter

rest/sit on your laurels: to be satisfied with what you have achieved and therefore stop trying to achieve anything new

look to your laurels: to work hard in order not to lose the success that you have achieved

laurels [plural]: honours that you receive for something you have achieved

eg: academic laurels


late v.

to destroy something or someone completely

eg: Just one of these bombs could annihilate a city the size of New York.

to defeat someone easily and completely in a game or competition

eg: Tyson annihilated his opponent in the first round.


ignty n.

complete freedom and power to govern

eg: the sovereignty of Parliament

sovereignty over

eg: Spain's claim of sovereignty over the territory

the power that an independent country has to govern itself

eg: the defence of our national sovereignty



relating to growing crops

eg: arable farming
    arable land (=land that is suitable for growing crops)


5. sermon n.

a talk given as part of a Christian church service, usually on a religious or moral subject
give/preach/deliver a sermon (on sth)

eg: The vicar gave a sermon on charity.

informal a long talk in which someone tries to give you moral advice that you do not want - used to show disapproval  = lecture

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