• 《唐顿庄园》第三季剧透:一主要角色将死亡

    非常关键。”她同时爆料说,剧中的一对儿情侣将开始组建家庭,“有人将死去,有人将降生”。 当然这已经不是朱利安·费罗斯(Julian Fellowes)第一次“写死”角色了,“大姐夫”(Matthew Crawley)的未婚妻Lavinia Swire (Zoe Boyle 饰演)和男仆威廉都在第二季不幸死去。但是,写死“主要角色”倒还是第一次。 《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)第三季将于今年9月ITV回归,敬请期待。

  • 《唐顿庄园》第三季剧透:财政危机

    会是第三季的主题。费列罗对记者说:“20年代是一个混乱的时代。在第三季中,大家将会看到爱尔兰问题给整个唐顿庄园带来的影响。” “爱尔兰问题是在一战结束之后才真正出现的。实际上,那时候爱尔兰问题比妇女选举权以及其他问题占据了更多新闻头条的版面。爱尔兰问题给大英帝国以及所

  • 《唐顿庄园》第四季毒舌老太太回来了 大表哥执意出走


  • 唐顿庄园礼仪精讲1:西餐就餐礼仪

    Yes, I am confessing. Downton Abbey is my favorite TV series ever.  I love the story of the Grantham family and their servants I am mostly fascinated by the etiquette lessons we can learn in each season. While general Etiquette developed and adapted to modern times most dining etiquette rules are still applicable today. Here a few examples. First start eating when everyone at the table is served. Follow the lead of the host/hostess. Use the utensils, fork knife and spoons, in the order of the courses, from outside to inside. Sit straight, don’t slouch in the chair. Keep conversation light and entertaining. Try to involve everybody. And last but not least, no personal items on the dinner table. In today’s term that would mean mobile phones should stay in your bag or pocket while dining. 小编提炼: 1. 每个人都布桌就绪了开始就餐。跟着主人/女主人的后面。 2. 按照上菜顺序使用餐具,刀叉和勺子,从外到里。 3. 坐直,不要没精打采的。 4. 谈话轻松愉快。顾及到每个人。 5. 最后,不要把私人物品落在餐桌上。放在今天,西餐就餐时,手机应该放在包里或者口袋里。 作者简介: Diana Rudolph:资深国际礼仪专家,维也纳儿童合唱团,维也纳劳德商学院,上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店礼仪专家。庄重礼仪公司,华盛顿国际礼仪学院,悉尼国际礼仪学院成员。河内国际妇女俱乐部主席。Diana出生德国,先后在欧洲,和亚洲各国担任外事职位。 想学习更多西餐礼仪戳>>>

  • 老夫人Maggie Smith专访:我从来没看过《唐顿庄园》

    夫人可能是“全英国上下唯一一个”没有看过《唐顿庄园》的人。[/cn] [en]Dame Maggie replied: ''Well, that's a record then isn't it, of some sort?''[/en][cn]玛吉·史密斯说:“嗯,这算是破记录了,在某种意义上来说。”[/cn] [en]She went on: ''I will look at it when it's all over, maybe, because it's frustrating - I always see things that I would like to do differently, and think 'why in the name of God did I do that?'.''[/en][cn]她继续说道:“等到电视剧完唐顿庄园结了以后我有可能会去看的,因为这太懊恼了——我看了以后总会想着要是当初没有那样就好了,我会想‘上帝啊,为什么我会这样演’。”[/cn] [en]The programme has also become a major hit in the United States. Dame Maggie said the thing she took from the role was ''the delight of acting''.[/en][cn]这部电视剧在美国也同样大红大紫。玛吉·史密斯说她在这个角色中体会到了“表演的乐趣”。[/cn]

  • 《唐顿庄园》第四季:跟以往大不同

    [en]"Downton Abbey" executive producer Gareth Neame and five of the show's stars -- Sophie McShera, Phyllis Logan, Laura Carmichael, Joanne Froggatt and Michelle Dockery -- did a panel for the show at the 2013 TCA press tour, where they gave us some scoop about the upcoming season.[/en][cn]《唐顿庄园

  • 《唐顿庄园》第六季开播收视走低

    比上一季在去年的记录840万名观众,大热剧集《唐顿庄园》第六季也是最终季,在周日晚的首播为英国ITV广播公司吸引了平均760万名观众,是这部大热剧集有史以来最低开播收视率。[/cn] [en]The figure compared with the 9.5 million overnight ratings for the fourth-season debut and the 9 million overnight audience for the third-season opener. The second season had started with nearly 9.3 million viewers, up from the 7.7 million overnights viewers for the first-season opener in 2010. [/en][cn]该数据低于第四季首播的950万,以及第三季开播的900万。第二季开播时有将近930万观众收看,高于该剧于2010年第一季770万的收视率。[/cn] [en]The audience figures are expected to get a boost by on-demand viewing.
[/en][cn]预期观众数能根据需求收视率有所增加。[/cn] [en]The share for the 90-minute Sunday debut of the final season amounted to 36 percent of all U.K. homes watching TV at the time, down from 38 percent last year. In terms of viewing share for season-launch episodes, the Sunday performance was in line with the 2011 and 2012 series launches.[/en][cn]周日90分钟的首播占全英国家庭在该时间段的收视的36%,低于去年的38%。就季首集收视份额而言,周日该剧表现与2011及2012年的开播持平。[/cn] [en]The drama, created by Julian Fellowes, on Sunday night also hit a five-minute peak audience of 8.4 million in its 9 p.m. slot, compared with 9.2 million in last season's overnight data.[/en][cn]由朱利安•费勒斯制作的该剧在周日晚仍然达

  • 《唐顿庄园》强势横扫美国 成为PBS三年内收视最高!

    [en]Sunday’s second season finale of Downton Abbey drew 5.4 million viewers, the biggest audience in the show’s history and PBS’ largest [w]turnout[/w] for a program in nearly three years.[/en][cn]周日上演的《唐顿庄园》第二季大结局吸引了540万观众收看,这是PBS电视台3年来收视最高的记录,同时也是《唐顿庄园》开播以来收视人数最多的一集。[/cn] [en]Even more impressive, Abbey‘s numbers do not factor in replays, DVR data or online streaming.[/en][cn]更加值得一提的是这一记录不包括收看重播、录剧以及在线观看人数的。[/cn] [en]Abbey‘s Season 2 average is up 25 percent compared to its first season.[/en][cn]相较于第一季,《唐顿庄园》第二季平均收视比第一季上涨了25%。[/cn] [en]Production on the show’s third season is currently [w]underwa[/w]y in the UK.[/en][cn]目前该剧第三季正在英国紧张拍摄。[/cn]

  • 唐顿庄园大小姐新恋情曝光

    光下和31岁的约翰漫步并甜蜜拥吻。[/cn] [en]For the couple were introduced by Allen Leech, who plays chauffeur Tom Branson in Downton.[/en][cn]这