• 2023年6月英语四级听力新闻高频词6月英语四级汇(3)

    运动员 court 网球场 crawl 爬泳 cricket 板球 cross-country race 越野跑 cycling stadium 自行车赛车场 decathlon 十项 deuce 局末平分, 盘末平局 discus 铁饼 diving competition 跳水 fan 迷,爱好者 fencing 击剑 fifteen all 一平(网球比赛用词) figure skating 花样滑冰 football/soccer/Association football 足球 以上就是关于“2023年6月英语四级听力新闻高频词汇(3)”的全部内容啦,预祝大家四级考试6月英语四级考试越来越近啦,大家准备的如何?很多同学表示四级听力总是有听不懂文本在讲什么内容的情况。@沪江英语四六级微信公众号建议大家多熟记一些四级听力高频词汇。今天为大家带来的是2023年6月英语四级听力新闻高频词汇(3),一起来看看吧。 precursor 先驱 preeminent 杰出的 prodigious 巨大的 proprietor 业主 rigid 僵化的 romantic 浪漫的 satirist 讽刺作家 sculptor 雕塑家 sentimental 感伤的,多愁善感的 spare 简朴的 symbolic 象征性的 territory 领域 unique 独一无二的 versatile 多才多艺的 weird 怪异的,不可思议的 zigzag 曲折的 ace 网球赛中的一分 amateur 业余运动员,爱好者 backstroke 仰式 baseball 棒球 basketball 篮球 belt 段带 boat race 赛艇 boxing weights 拳击体重级别 boxing 拳击 breaststroke 蛙式 butterfly (stroke) 蝶泳 canoe 划艇 champion 冠军 championship 冠军赛,锦标赛 changing room 更衣室 chase 追逐赛 competitor/player 运动员 court 网球场 crawl 爬泳 cricket 板球 cross-country race 越野跑 cycling stadium 自行车赛车场 decathlon 十项 deuce 局末平分, 盘末平局 discus 铁饼 diving competition 跳水 fan 迷,爱好者 fencing 击剑 fifteen all 一平(网球比赛用词) figure skating 花样滑冰 football/soccer/Association football 足球 以上就是关于“2023年6月英语四级听力新闻高频词汇(3)”的全部内容啦,预祝大家四级顺利。



  • 2023年6月英语四级听力新闻高频词6月英语四级汇(4)

    2023年12月英语四级考试将在6月17日举行,大家准备的如何?今天@沪江英语四六级微信公众号为大家分享2023年6月英语四级听力新闻高频词汇(4),一起来看看吧~ capitalist economy 资本主义经济 cartel 卡特尔 cash 现金 cash dividend 现金配股 cash transaction 现金交易 change 零钱 cheque/check 支票 chequebook 支票簿,支票本 circulating capital/working capital 流动资本 closing price 收盘 collective economy 集体经济



  • 2019年6月英语四级听力原文:试卷二听力篇章26月英语四级(沪江网校)

    够多的努力,直到有2020年7月英语四六级意外之喜事发生的人。我可以向你保证一件事:无论你选择什么职业,如果你努力工作,最终会有意外收获。它们可能不会像你希望的那样立马发生,而且它们可能会和你最初想象的完全不同,但它们会发生。 Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的短文回答19-21题。 Question 19 What do we learn about the speaker? 问题19:关于作者,我们能知道了解到哪些? Question 20 What is the speaker's advice to his audience? 问题20:作者对于他的读者的建议是什么? Question 21 What does the speaker say about talent? 问题21:关于天赋,作者有哪些看法? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过6月英语四级听力原文:试卷二听力篇章2(沪江网校),希望对你有所帮助~ My name is Brandon Leonard, and I'm an author, magazine writer, filmmaker, and public speaker. I'm self-employed, which means I work for myself and I do what I love. We have a popular scene in America which goes, "Do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life." "But I'm here to tell you that instead of focusing on doing what we love, I think we should focus on loving what we do. In my line of work, you'll hear a lot about talent, which is an idea we mostly invented to give ourselves an excuse to be lazy. Here's why: if you see someone doing something really well, you would say it's because they are talented. You think they are somehow special. You discount the tremendous amount of work they've done to get to where they are. Research has shown that talent is nothing without hard work. I choose to believe in hard work, but not so much in talent. There are no special people, just people who put in enough hard work until something special happens. I can promise you one thing: whatever you choose to do for a career, if you work hard at it, eventually special things will happen. They may not happen as quickly as you'd like them to, and they may turn out to be completely different from the special things you imagined at the beginning, but they will happen. 我叫布兰登·伦纳德,是一名作家、杂志作家、电影制作人和演说家。我是个体户,这意味着我为自己工作,做我喜欢做的事。在美国有一个流行的场景,那就是“做你喜欢做的事,你一辈子都不会有工作日。”“但我在这里要告诉你们的是,我们不应该专注于做我们所热爱的事情,而应该专注于热爱我们手头所做的事情。”在我的工作中,你会听到很多关于天赋的事情,这只是我们在凭空臆想,主要是为了给我们自己一个借口,想要偷懒而已。原因如下:如果你看到某人做得很好,你会说这是因为他们很有天赋。你觉得他们某方面很特别。你低估了他们为达到目的所做的大量工作。研究表明,没有努力,才能就变得一无是处。我选择相信努力工作,但不太相信才能。没有什么特别的人,只有那些付出了足够多的努力,直到有意外之喜事发生的人。我可以向你保证一件事:无论你选择什么职业,如果你努力工作,最终会有意外收获。它们可能不会像你希望的那样立马发生,而且它们可能会和你最初想象的完全不同,但它们会发生。 Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的短文回答19-21题。 Question 19 What do we learn about the speaker? 问题19:关于作者,我们能知道了解到哪些? Question 20 What is the speaker's advice to his audience? 问题20:作者对于他的读者的建议是什么? Question 21 What does the speaker say about talent? 问题21:关于天赋,作者有哪些看法? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级!

  • 2019年6月英语四级听力原文:试卷一听力篇章26月英语四级(沪江网校)

    2020年7月英语四六级考试即将进行,各位小伙伴准备好了么?大家在备考时一定要多做真题,这样才能更好地把握题目难度和重点词汇等等。今天小编为大家带来2019年6月英语四级听力原文:试卷一听力篇章2(沪江网校),希望对你有所帮助~ My research focus is on what happens to our immune system as we age. So the job of the immune system is to fight infections. It also protects us from viruses and from autoimmune diseases. We know that as we get older, it's easier for us to get infections. So older adults have more chances of falling ill. This is evidence that our immune system really doesn't function so well when we age. In most of our work, when we were looking at older adults who've got an illness, we always have to have health controls. So we work very closely with a great group of volunteers called the One Thousand Elders, these volunteers are all 65 or over but in good health. They come to the university to provide us with blood samples to be interviewed and to help us to carry out a whole range of research. The real impact of our research is going to be on health in old age. At the moment, we are living much longer. Life expectancy is increasing at 2 years for every decade, that means an extra 5 hours a day. I want to make sure that older adults are still able to enjoy their old age, and that they are not spending time in hospital with infections, feeling unwell and being generally weak. We want people to be healthy even when they are old. 我的研究重点是我们的免疫系统在随着年龄的增长会发生什么变化。免疫系统负责对抗感染。它2020年7月英语四六级还能保护我们免受病毒和自身免疫性疾病的侵害。我们知道,随着年龄的增长,我们更容易感染。所以老年人有更容易生病。这证明当我们变老时,我们的免疫系统确实不能很好地发挥作用。在我们的大部分工作中,当我们看到患有疾病的老年人时,我们总是必须对他们进行健康管理。因此,我们与一大群人组成的志愿者团体紧密合作,这个团体叫“千个老人”,这些志愿者都是65岁或65岁以上,但健康状况良好。他们来这所大学是为了给我们提供接受预检的血样并帮助我们进行一系列的研究。我们研究的真正影响在于关注老年人的健康。目前,我们的寿命要比过去长得多。预期寿命是每10年就增加2年,这意味着每天增加5个小时。我想确保老年人仍然能够享受他们的老年生活,并且他们不会因为感染、身体不适和普遍虚弱而在医院呆上一段时间。我们希望人们即使在年老的时候也保持健康。 Questions 19—21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的短文回答19-21题。 Question 19 What is the focus of the speaker's research? 问题19:这位男士研究的重点是什么? Question 20 What are the volunteers asked to do in the research? 问题20:志愿者们在研究中被要求做什么? Question 21 What does the speaker say will be the impact of his research? 问题21:这位男士说他的研究将会产生什么影响? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过6月英语四级听力原文:试卷一听力篇章2(沪江网校),希望对你有所帮助~ My research focus is on what happens to our immune system as we age. So the job of the immune system is to fight infections. It also protects us from viruses and from autoimmune diseases. We know that as we get older, it's easier for us to get infections. So older adults have more chances of falling ill. This is evidence that our immune system really doesn't function so well when we age. In most of our work, when we were looking at older adults who've got an illness, we always have to have health controls. So we work very closely with a great group of volunteers called the One Thousand Elders, these volunteers are all 65 or over but in good health. They come to the university to provide us with blood samples to be interviewed and to help us to carry out a whole range of research. The real impact of our research is going to be on health in old age. At the moment, we are living much longer. Life expectancy is increasing at 2 years for every decade, that means an extra 5 hours a day. I want to make sure that older adults are still able to enjoy their old age, and that they are not spending time in hospital with infections, feeling unwell and being generally weak. We want people to be healthy even when they are old. 我的研究重点是我们的免疫系统在随着年龄的增长会发生什么变化。免疫系统负责对抗感染。它还能保护我们免受病毒和自身免疫性疾病的侵害。我们知道,随着年龄的增长,我们更容易感染。所以老年人有更容易生病。这证明当我们变老时,我们的免疫系统确实不能很好地发挥作用。在我们的大部分工作中,当我们看到患有疾病的老年人时,我们总是必须对他们进行健康管理。因此,我们与一大群人组成的志愿者团体紧密合作,这个团体叫“千个老人”,这些志愿者都是65岁或65岁以上,但健康状况良好。他们来这所大学是为了给我们提供接受预检的血样并帮助我们进行一系列的研究。我们研究的真正影响在于关注老年人的健康。目前,我们的寿命要比过去长得多。预期寿命是每10年就增加2年,这意味着每天增加5个小时。我想确保老年人仍然能够享受他们的老年生活,并且他们不会因为感染、身体不适和普遍虚弱而在医院呆上一段时间。我们希望人们即使在年老的时候也保持健康。 Questions 19—21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的短文回答19-21题。 Question 19 What is the focus of the speaker's research? 问题19:这位男士研究的重点是什么? Question 20 What are the volunteers asked to do in the research? 问题20:志愿者们在研究中被要求做什么? Question 21 What does the speaker say will be the impact of his research? 问题21:这位男士说他的研究将会产生什么影响? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级!

  • 2023年6月英语四级听力新闻高频词6月英语四级听力新闻高频词汇(2)

    的 nostalgia 怀旧主义,思乡 odd 怪诞的 outstanding 杰出的 patriarchal 家长的,族长的 people 人物 philanthropist 慈善家 以上就是@沪江英语四六级微信公众号为大家带来2023年6月英语四级听力新闻高频词汇(2)的全部内容啦,各位小伙伴在备考听力的时候不仅需要完成真题,并且要反复对照原文进行精听,将不会的生词记到本子上反复记忆。预祝各位同学高分6月17号四级考试在即,各位小伙伴一定要抓紧时间备考哦。各位小伙伴在备考听力时,不仅需要多加练习,更需要学会掌握一些听力技巧和常考词汇,这样会提分更快。今天@沪江英语四六级微信公众号为大家带来2023年6月英语四级听力新闻高频词汇(2) ,希望对你有所帮助~ acclaimed 受欢迎的 apprentice 学徒 artist 艺术家 authentic 逼真的 avant-garde 前卫派 biographer 自传作家 cheerless 无精打采的 choreographer 舞蹈编排家 classic 经典的 clumsy 笨拙的 contemporary 当代的 critic 批评家 disciple 学徒 eccentric 古怪的 emotional 情绪的,情感的 emotive 感人的 erratic 奇怪的 feminist 女权主义者 figurehead 名誉领袖 genre 风格,体裁 genuine 真正的 household 家庭的,家喻户晓的 humanitarian 人道主义者 imagist 意象派诗人 immortal 不朽的,神 innocent 天真的,无罪的 inventor 发明家 lovelorn 相思病苦的 mechanic 机械工 minimalist 简单抽象派艺术 mortal 犯人 nervous 紧张的 nostalgia 怀旧主义,思乡 odd 怪诞的 outstanding 杰出的 patriarchal 家长的,族长的 people 人物 philanthropist 慈善家 以上就是@沪江英语四六级微信公众号为大家带来2023年6月英语四级飘过~



  • 2019年6月英语四级听力原文:试卷二听力篇章36月英语四级(沪江网校)

    上了它,继续跳了大约十年的芭蕾舞。然后,我离开了我的祖国新西兰,开始了我的英语教师生涯,这最终使我没有再跳芭蕾舞了。直到我在亚洲工作的时候在一个可爱的工作室里重新发现了萨尔萨舞,我才重新燃2020年7月英语四六级起了对舞蹈的热情。从那以后,我一直试着每周两次在下班后去上舞蹈课。对我来说,这是一个舒缓紧张和压力的很好方式,跳舞可以再次让我感到精力充沛和幸福满满。 Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听文章回答22-25题。 Question 22 What does the speaker say about the dance, salsa? 问题22:作者对于萨尔萨舞有谈到哪些? Question 23 Why did the speakers'mother enroll her in a ballet course? 问题23:为什么作者的母亲让她学习芭蕾舞课程? Question 24 When did the speaker's dancing life come to a halt? 问题24:作者什么时候停止跳芭蕾舞的? Question 25 In what way has salsa dancing benefited the speaker? 问题25:作者从芭蕾舞中收获到了什么? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过6月英语四级听力原文:试卷二听力篇章3(沪江网校),希望对你有所帮助~ A question we often ask others and are also frequently asked by others is "what do you normally do after school or work?" Some commonplace answers are, "well, I go to the gym." "Um, I just go home and watch TV." "I meet my friends for dinner." or "I just go to bed because it's so late and I'm tired." "Unlike any of these typical responses, I'm proud to say that I love to dance salsa after a long and tiring day of work." Salsa is a kind of dancing that evolved in the mid-1970s in New York. My dancing life began not because I wanted to do it, but because my mother was sick and tired of seeing me running around after school doing nothing. So she enrolled me into a ballet course when I was six. I fell in love with it instantly and continued with ballet dancing for about ten years. Then, I left my native country of New Zealand to start my career as an English teacher, which eventually brought my dancing life to a halt. It wasn't until I rediscovered salsa in a lovely studio while working in Asia that I renewed my passion for dancing. Since then, I have been trying to attend dancing classes twice a week after work. It's a great way for me to relieve stress and pressure and dance my way towards feeling energetic and happy again. 我们经常问别人,也经常被别人问到的一个问题是:“你通常在放学或工作后做什么?” 一些常见的答案是,“嗯,我去健身房。”“嗯,我只是回家看电视。”“我和朋友们一起吃饭。” 或者“我只是去睡觉,因为太晚了,我累了。”“与这些常见的回答不同,我很自豪地说,我喜欢在劳累了一整天之后跳萨尔萨舞。” 萨尔萨舞是20世纪70年代中期在纽约发展起来的一种舞蹈。我开始跳舞不是因为我想跳舞,而是因为我妈妈看到我放学后无所事事地跑来跑去,感到又累又烦。所以她在我6岁的时候让我学习芭蕾舞课程。我立刻爱上了它,继续跳了大约十年的芭蕾舞。然后,我离开了我的祖国新西兰,开始了我的英语教师生涯,这最终使我没有再跳芭蕾舞了。直到我在亚洲工作的时候在一个可爱的工作室里重新发现了萨尔萨舞,我才重新燃起了对舞蹈的热情。从那以后,我一直试着每周两次在下班后去上舞蹈课。对我来说,这是一个舒缓紧张和压力的很好方式,跳舞可以再次让我感到精力充沛和幸福满满。 Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听文章回答22-25题。 Question 22 What does the speaker say about the dance, salsa? 问题22:作者对于萨尔萨舞有谈到哪些? Question 23 Why did the speakers'mother enroll her in a ballet course? 问题23:为什么作者的母亲让她学习芭蕾舞课程? Question 24 When did the speaker's dancing life come to a halt? 问题24:作者什么时候停止跳芭蕾舞的? Question 25 In what way has salsa dancing benefited the speaker? 问题25:作者从芭蕾舞中收获到了什么? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级!

  • 2019年6月英语四级听力原文:试卷二听力篇章16月英语四级(沪江网校)

    2020年7月英语四六级考试即将进行,各位小伙伴准备好了么?大家在备考时一定要多做真题,这样才能更好地把握题目难度和重点词汇等等。今天小编为大家带来2019年6月英语四级听力原文:试卷二听力篇章1(沪江网校),希望对你有所帮助~ Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes on Earth. The mountain has been in a state of near-continuous eruption for half of a million years. Exploring the Etna geographical area reveals a history written in fire. Before the eruptions, it was covered by forests of pine trees. Located in southern Italy, Etna is the highest active volcano in Europe. However, its height often changes when volcanic material accumulates during eruptions and subsequently collapses. Few volcanoes in the world have an eruption history so thoroughly documented by historical records. Etna's eruption history dates back as far as 1500 BC. Some two hundred eruptions have been recorded down through the centuries, but compared with other volcanoes, most of its eruptions have so far been fairly light in terms of death and destruction. Only about one hundred deaths have been attributed to the volcano. The mountain hasn't been entirely harmless, however. In 1928, it destroyed the town of Mascali. Over the centuries, Etna's lowest slopes have been shaped by human hands to take advantage of rich soils for growing grapes, apples and nuts. Local people have also carved out over two hundred caves in the soft rock, and use them for everything from sacred burial places to food storage. Large mammals once wandered the volcano slopes, but today, foxes, wild cats, rabbits, and mice are more common. Some of those small mammals help to sustain such big birds as golden eagles. 埃特纳火山是地球上最活跃的火山之一。这座山近50万年来一直处于几乎连续喷发的状态。探索埃特纳的地理区域揭示了火山的历史。在火山爆发之前,它被松树林覆盖着。埃特纳火山位于意大利南部,是欧洲最高的活火山。然而,当火山物质在喷发期间积累并随后崩塌时,其海拔高度经常改变。世界上很少有关于火山如此详尽的历史记载。埃特纳火山喷发的历史可以追溯到公元前1500年。几个世纪以来记录了大约200次火山喷发,但与其他火山相比,到目前为止,就造成的伤亡和破坏程度而言,大多数火山喷发造成的影响都相当轻微。只有大约100人死于火山爆发。然而,这座山并非完全无害的。1928年,它摧毁了马斯卡利镇。几个世纪以来,埃特纳的低山坡都是人为开垦的,利用肥沃的土壤种植葡萄、苹果和坚果。当地居民也在软岩中挖出了200多个洞穴,并将它们用于各种用途。从神圣的墓地到食物储藏地。大型哺乳动物曾经在火山山坡上出没,但今天,狐狸、野猫、兔子和老鼠更常见。在这些小哺乳动物中,有的是被捕食者,使像金雕这样的大鸟得以生存。 Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的文章回答16-18题。 Question 16 What does the speakers say about Mount Etna? 问题16:关于埃特纳火山,他们谈2020年7月英语四六级到了哪些? Question 17 What do we learn about the lower slopes of Mount Etna? 问题17:关于埃特纳火山的低斜坡,我们了解到哪些? Question 18 What does the speaker say about big birds like golden eagles at Mount Etna? 问题18:关于像埃特纳山的金雕这样的大鸟,他们说了些什么? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过6月英语四级听力原文:试卷二听力篇章1(沪江网校),希望对你有所帮助~ Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes on Earth. The mountain has been in a state of near-continuous eruption for half of a million years. Exploring the Etna geographical area reveals a history written in fire. Before the eruptions, it was covered by forests of pine trees. Located in southern Italy, Etna is the highest active volcano in Europe. However, its height often changes when volcanic material accumulates during eruptions and subsequently collapses. Few volcanoes in the world have an eruption history so thoroughly documented by historical records. Etna's eruption history dates back as far as 1500 BC. Some two hundred eruptions have been recorded down through the centuries, but compared with other volcanoes, most of its eruptions have so far been fairly light in terms of death and destruction. Only about one hundred deaths have been attributed to the volcano. The mountain hasn't been entirely harmless, however. In 1928, it destroyed the town of Mascali. Over the centuries, Etna's lowest slopes have been shaped by human hands to take advantage of rich soils for growing grapes, apples and nuts. Local people have also carved out over two hundred caves in the soft rock, and use them for everything from sacred burial places to food storage. Large mammals once wandered the volcano slopes, but today, foxes, wild cats, rabbits, and mice are more common. Some of those small mammals help to sustain such big birds as golden eagles. 埃特纳火山是地球上最活跃的火山之一。这座山近50万年来一直处于几乎连续喷发的状态。探索埃特纳的地理区域揭示了火山的历史。在火山爆发之前,它被松树林覆盖着。埃特纳火山位于意大利南部,是欧洲最高的活火山。然而,当火山物质在喷发期间积累并随后崩塌时,其海拔高度经常改变。世界上很少有关于火山如此详尽的历史记载。埃特纳火山喷发的历史可以追溯到公元前1500年。几个世纪以来记录了大约200次火山喷发,但与其他火山相比,到目前为止,就造成的伤亡和破坏程度而言,大多数火山喷发造成的影响都相当轻微。只有大约100人死于火山爆发。然而,这座山并非完全无害的。1928年,它摧毁了马斯卡利镇。几个世纪以来,埃特纳的低山坡都是人为开垦的,利用肥沃的土壤种植葡萄、苹果和坚果。当地居民也在软岩中挖出了200多个洞穴,并将它们用于各种用途。从神圣的墓地到食物储藏地。大型哺乳动物曾经在火山山坡上出没,但今天,狐狸、野猫、兔子和老鼠更常见。在这些小哺乳动物中,有的是被捕食者,使像金雕这样的大鸟得以生存。 Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听的文章回答16-18题。 Question 16 What does the speakers say about Mount Etna? 问题16:关于埃特纳火山,他们谈到了哪些? Question 17 What do we learn about the lower slopes of Mount Etna? 问题17:关于埃特纳火山的低斜坡,我们了解到哪些? Question 18 What does the speaker say about big birds like golden eagles at Mount Etna? 问题18:关于像埃特纳山的金雕这样的大鸟,他们说了些什么? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级!

  • 2022年6月英语四级听力技巧6月英语四级(一)

    写上也不要重复,直到听完整篇内容。 3.复听,还是听一句写一句,着重听刚才没写上的内容。全部听完之后如果还有没写上的,可以根据上下文猜词补空,尽量不要空着。 4. 根据原文文本订正自己的内容,错的或漏的地方用红笔着重标出来,总结错误原因,可以分为:词汇问题、句子逻辑问题、速度问题! 5.再整体听一遍录音,看看自己对原文的理解有没有加强。 6. 总结生词并背诵。 第三个月:每天半个小时 严格按照规则流程和时间来,看看自己做题的准确率有没有提升,答案有不明确的地方,也可以看看解析! 以上就是今天分享的内容啦,希望考生们可以真正运2022年6月英语四级考试越来越近啦,大家准备的如何?四级听力是否还存在听用到接下来的紧张备考中。最后,预祝各位四级考生考试顺利6月英语四级考试越来越近啦,大家准备的如何?四级听力是否还存在听不懂不会做题的现象?今天小编为大家整理了2022年6月英语四级听力技巧。希望对你有所帮助~ 前期准备 1 短篇新闻 四级听力短篇新闻,可以分成七种类型:气象及自然灾害等不可抗力因素、事故或犯罪案件、日常生活类报道、健康及环保、最新科技及其军事运用、政治报道和经济报道。主要的题目类型包括两类: 第一类简单而直观,一般问时间、地点、数字或事件。做这类题需要及时记录,听到信号词或者关键词就要立马写下来! 第二类出现频率不高但相对较难,考查主旨大意。这就需要我们听懂这篇文章大概描述了什么事情,并进行归纳。 2 长对话 四级长对话一般比较贴近生活,主要分为两类: 第一类是细节题,包括时间、地点、人物、数字等,在听文章时将关键词记录下来与选项进行对比,从而保证正确率。 第二类考查主题,因为比较难,所以听之前一定要把所有选项略读一遍。 3 听力篇章 四级听力篇章相对比较难,也是最难拿分的。 一定要先看一遍选项,看的时候要养成习惯,圈出其中的名词,以及“动词+名词”组合。这样我们就能粗略把控文意,听听力的时候也更有目的性。 具体方法 第一个月:每天坚持半个小时到一个小时的泛听 推荐用每日英语听力。搜索美音和英音短新闻(两分钟左右)跟听,熟悉语言语调。听的时候不用纠结每一个词或每一句话的含义,听完能掌握70%左右的信息即可。 第二个月:每天坚持一套试卷的精听 精听步骤: 1. 先整体盲听一遍,了解文章的大致内容。 2. 听写,听一句话按下暂停,写一句话,没写上也不要重复,直到听完整篇内容。 3.复听,还是听一句写一句,着重听刚才没写上的内容。全部听完之后如果还有没写上的,可以根据上下文猜词补空,尽量不要空着。 4. 根据原文文本订正自己的内容,错的或漏的地方用红笔着重标出来,总结错误原因,可以分为:词汇问题、句子逻辑问题、速度问题! 5.再整体听一遍录音,看看自己对原文的理解有没有加强。 6. 总结生词并背诵。 第三个月:每天半个小时 严格按照规则流程和时间来,看看自己做题的准确率有没有提升,答案有不明确的地方,也可以看看解析! 以上就是今天分享的内容啦,希望考生们可以真正运用到接下来的紧张备考中。最后,预祝各位四级,旗开得胜!



  • 2019年6月英语四级听力原文:试卷一听力篇章36月英语四级(沪江网校)

    学上完一天课后,他注意到了什么? Question 23 What are dozens of students from Komada's school going to do this week? 问题23:来自小田学校的几十名学生本周将干什么? Question 24 What do we learn about the students of Kilip Elementary? 问题24:对于基利普小学的学生,我们能从中了解到2020年7月英语四六级他们哪些情况? Question 25 What have the students learned from Komada? 问题25:学生们从小田老师身上学到了哪些? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过6月英语四级听力原文:试卷一听力篇章3(沪江网校),希望对你有所帮助~ When Ted Komada started teaching 14 years ago at Kilip Elementary, he didn't know how to manage a classroom and was struggling to connect with students, he noticed a couple of days after school that a group of kid would get together to play chess. "I know how to play chess, let me go and show these kids how to do it," he said. Now, Komada coaches the school's chess team. The whole program started as a safe place for kids to come after school. And this week, dozens of those students are getting ready to head out to Nashville Tennessee to compete with about 5000 other young people at the Super Nationals of Chess. The competition only happens every four years, and the last time the team went, they won the third place in the nation. Komada says Chess gives him and his students control. The school has the highest number of kids from low-income families. Police frequent the area day and night. As 2 months ago, a young man was shot just down the street. Komada likes to teach his students that they should think about their move before they do it. The lessons proved valuable outside the classroom as well. Many parents see these lessons translate into the real world. Students are more likely to think about their actions and see whether they will lead to trouble. 14年前,泰德·小田在基利普小学教书时,他不知道如何管理班级,很难与学生打成一片,他注意到放学后,一群孩子会聚在一起下棋,这样的场景他看到好几天了。他说:“我知道怎么下象棋,让我去教孩子们怎么下象棋,”现在,小田是学校象棋队的教练。放学后,整个项目是在对于孩子来说安全的地方开始的。本周,几十名学生正准备前往田纳西州纳什维尔,与国际象棋超级全国赛的另外约5000名年轻人同台竞争。竞赛每四年才举行一次,最后一次参赛时,他们在全国获得了第三名。小田说象棋占据了他和他学生的生活。低收入家庭的孩子在这个学校最多。警察日夜在该地区巡逻。就在两个月前,一个年轻人在街上被枪杀了。小田喜欢教他的学生,教他们在行动之前,他们应该思考下他们活动的范围。课堂之外的教训也证明很有价值。许多家长会将这些教训迁移到现实世界。学生们更有可能考虑他们的行为,看看这些行为是否会给他们带来麻烦。 Questions 22—25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 请根据刚才所听文章回答22-25题。 Question 22 What did Ted Komada notice one day after he started teaching at Kilip Elementary? 问题22:泰德·小田在基利普小学上完一天课后,他注意到了什么? Question 23 What are dozens of students from Komada's school going to do this week? 问题23:来自小田学校的几十名学生本周将干什么? Question 24 What do we learn about the students of Kilip Elementary? 问题24:对于基利普小学的学生,我们能从中了解到他们哪些情况? Question 25 What have the students learned from Komada? 问题25:学生们从小田老师身上学到了哪些? 以上就是今天为大家分享的内容啦,各位小伙伴利用好最后的时间认真备考。小编祝大家顺利通过四级!

  • 2023年6月英语四级听力答案6月英语四级预告

    2023年6月英语四级考试时间为6月17日9:00-11:20,听力是占四级句话是主题句(topic sentence),在阅读中,我们了解主题句的位置,因此在听的时候就应该特别注意听开头句和结束句,从而确定主题句。 英语四级听力常见信号词 一、表强调的信号词: 1)含义强调: indeed,in fact,do+动词,certainly,specially,especially 2)解释原则: which is,that is,which means,that is to say 3)举例强调: for example,for instance,such as,illustrate 短文听力中,为说明一个问题,常常会使用列举或举例,或直接引用某人的话,这些地方往往是考查的重点。 因此当听到such as,for example,for instance,the first,the second等短语或he says,she said,as they say等时应加以留意。 4)结论强调