Paul Kellerman是谁?

Paul Kellerman是从《越狱》第一季开始就出现的角色,是时为副总统的卡洛琳的心腹,陷害林肯的元凶之一。作为秘密探员,他一直保持着心狠手辣杀人不眨眼的办事风格,连自己的搭档也不放过。第二季中为了找到逃亡的两兄弟,他乔装身份接近莎拉,继而对其实施一系列的绑架拷问。而升作总统的卡洛琳对他的渐渐梳理使得他渐渐看清了真相,在第二季的最后一集出庭作证,坦白了自己的罪行,换了林肯的清白,但也被捕。在押送过程中,出现了一个蒙面人对其射杀,观众听到了枪声但并不知道Kellerman的死活,留下了一个巨大的悬念。他终于在《越狱》第四季大结局中以反对公司的秘密组织成员亮相,帮助迈克将锡拉移交给联合国官员,并赦免了所有人。

After graduating with honors from West Point, Paul Kellerman served in the Gulf War in the U.S. Army Rangers and eventually the Special Forces; achieving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Although he had a promising future in the military, he received a better offer from the federal government: a leadership position within the Secret Service, and was soon assigned to Caroline Reynolds (Patricia Wettig), whom he has served for fifteen years. He eventually hardened into a ruthless fanatic, capable of suppressing his humanity to commit horrible crimes in the name of Caroline Reynolds. Due to his commitment to her plans, he became a key figure in the conspiracy that framed Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell) for murder. Officially, as revealed in episode "The Rat", he is no longer listed as a member of the Secret Service or even as an employee of the Federal Government, and lives under the alias Owen Kravecki. Kellerman is at least 35 years old.
