
《越狱》第四季中T-Bag照着Whistler在Sona监狱中留下的那本书,盗用其“Cole Pfeiffer”的假身份,伪装成金牌销售员混入GATE公司,在一次即兴谈话中他信口开河说了“Breaking down the captivity of negativity”(打破一切消极被动的禁锢),【详见】越狱第四季第4集学习笔记在线收看 并逐渐在公司引得他人的尊敬。当然这样的日子熬不久,很快他就被逼得拿枪指着公司员工的地步。最后再次入狱的T-Bag偶尔听闻狱友提起起他独创的“captivity of negativity”,发觉GATE公司将他的话收录到书中出版,而有着出众才智的他只能被禁锢在监狱中作威作福,真可谓是最大的讽刺。

As mentioned by Lincoln in the premiere episode, a riot went on in Sona that led to Bagwell, Sucre and Bellick escaping. As Sister Mary Francis gives him money to travel, he instead heads to San Diego to enact revenge on Scofield for betraying him on the escape. Armed with the late James Whistler's bird book/codebook, Bagwell is confident it will bring him to his goal, but his drivers steal Bagwell's money and abandon him in the desert with their overweight companion. He is eventually forced to kill and eat his companion in order to survive until people on ATVs find him. As Whistler's book tells him what to do he realizes that Michael is in Los Angeles, he gets on the first bus towards him. Bagwell has assumed one of James Whistler's identities, "Cole Pfeiffer", and becomes an Executive Sales Rep at a company called GATE.

Bagwell attempts to carry on his charade as the "top salesman in the Northeast" for Gate Corporation, while spending most of his time at Gate trying to decipher the contents of Whistler's bird book. Eventually, another sales manager exposes him as a fraud, and he quickly flees the Gate building before being arrested. While packing up his belongings at his apartment, he is surprised by Gretchen Morgan, holding him at gunpoint demanding to know who he is. Gretchen ties him up and interrogates him for his role in obtaining Scylla.

In prison he is seen overhearing an inmate speaking of the captivity of negativity (a term which he coined while working at GATE). He sees the inmate was reading a book from GATE and he warns the inmate telling him he does not ever want to see that book again and the inmate replies, referring to Bagwell as sir. He is last seen whistling to his new boyfriend in prison as he holds T-Bag's pocket...they walk forward and T-Bag looks up at the sky, once again the king of prison.
