
Sucre split.

I've had some filthy, filthy times in this state.

Wh-What are you,  Eliot Ness now?
你以为你什么东东?装Eliot Ness啊?
【Eliot Ness是美国著名的执法官,他的事迹被改变成电视剧The Untouchables从而广为流传。】

We're just crooks that got caught, Lincoln.

A cigar's a cigar.

You've been operating under some misconceptions about the Company,  and the General wants to, uh, open the books.
【关于book的短语这一季用到很多了,前两集有all by the book,第一集还有off the book,不记得的可以回顾一下。学而时习之不亦乐乎啊~~】

Indulge yourself. Sit by the pool, envision the future: financial security, Michael's talents being utilized on a global scale, you beside him innovating.

I'm putting an end to this exhausting cat-and-mouse.

- "Radical architecture is a rejection of all formal and moral parameters." From your thesis.
- Someone else's words heavily paraphrased.
- 你在论文里面说过:“前卫建筑是对所有参数条框形式上本质上予以否定。”
- 不过彻头彻尾改写了别人的话罢了。

- All right, we need to make a shift. Bagwell, I'm telling you right now, if I make my play and you go soft, I will sail you off that loft balcony and no one will bat an eye.
- My aim is true, Don. Keep it in your pants.
- I'll keep it in my pants, all right? All right, all in favor of changing the regime, say "Aye."
- 好吧,该轮我指挥了。Bagwell,我跟你说,我发话的时候你再唯唯诺诺的,我就把你从那阳台上扔下去,其他人连大气都不敢出一个
- 我目标很明确的,Don。省省那份心吧
- 知道了,行不。好了,赞成改朝换代的,大声说“同意”。
【这段有几个短语需要注意,not bat an eye以及keep it in your pants。另外Self真是官僚得够可以,这段戏特别搞笑……】