Knowing when to sever a cancerous limb to preserve the rest of the body...

Tell me when I'm getting warm. You hand-picked Michael Scofield and the bunch, trucked them all out here on Uncle Sam's dime, to do your bidding,and now they're standing right in the crosshairs for what you did. I gotta hand it to you Don, if that ain't the Mona Lisa. I always said cops are more crooked than criminals. Let me guess... a little, little slice of heaven, is that what it was for? Gambling debt? Maybe you're a... a geologist of the rock candy variety?
首先,uncle Sam山姆大叔是美国政府的别称,这个大家都知道,就是下面这张图的形象,最早出现在1852年,算是美国的代言人?就跟山德士上校是肯德基代言人一样。



最后那个冰糖啦地质学家的啥意思?特别感谢jijuxie000同学的帮助,终于明白rock candy这个典故来自“big rock candy mountain”,这是一首歌名,也是一本书名。歌词很有意思。书的作者得过普利策奖。而所谓“big rock candy mountain”是每个人心目中满足物质欲望的理想天堂,是中世纪所谓“安乐乡”的现代版本,比方一个流浪者的“big rock candy mountain”中母鸡就是直接下的熟鸡蛋,而树上能结出香烟来。下面这张图,可能就是一个sweet tooth心目中的“big rock candy mountain”吧?其实仔细想想经常在《猫和老鼠》里面看到饿极了的汤姆把一个什么东西幻想成一大盆烧鸡什么的,可能就是出自这个典故哦?】

Right as rain.
【其实right as rain更常用的意思是指一切都安然无恙】

I don't know how long Self has been planning this thing and from the looks of it,it's pretty air-tight.


是越狱迷?想学更棒的口语?来吧,外教口语等着你! 》》