What's the rush?  

Now, saddle up, Sir Galahad
saddle up 准备上路
saddle up本意是给马上鞍,引申为准备骑马上路的意思。
Sir Galahad 格拉海德骑士是亚瑟王圆桌骑士中最纯洁的一位,Caroline你是在说Booth很单纯么?囧

Talk to me.  

I'm on sabbatical
sabbatical 周期性休息

Doing what, installing elevators? Because I can hear the music.  

you just cut right to the chase.
cut to the chase 开门见山


- Is it serious between you?  
- Serious as a heart attack.
serious as a heart attack 千真万确,绝无虚言

Kidnapped child, the media jumped on it big time, blew it up huge.
jump on it 一拥而上
time 非常,超级
big time是个常用的口语说法,一般用在剧末,用来表示程度达到顶点

Vincent Nigel-Murray won a million dollars on Jeopardy! Took a round-the-world trip. Mr. Vaziri switched majors from forensic to cultural anthropology. He's interning at the Baghdad Museum. Fisher checked into a clinic with a case of The Hopeless Vapors. Dr. Edison took a position in Chicago.  

We had a great thing going. You just... you let it fall apart.
fall apart 崩溃,土崩瓦解
Sad but true.

No can do.
no can do = can't do 不行
这个完全是中式英语过来的,no can do不就是不能做么?

He's a good sleeper.  
good sleeper 睡得很深

A little something something?  
something something 特指更性感、更愉悦的事情

Well, anyone could learn the labels, Mr. Bray, but not everyone would notice the condition.  
