
1. What do you think about people kissing on campus?
2. Do you like Jazz? Why or why not?
3. Would you want to travel with a person and pay for part of the gas money and take turns driving?
4. Do you have a dark side like Harry, or are you basically a happy person like Sally?
5. Do you enjoy talking to people? Why or why not?
6. Do you think Harry likes Sally when they first meet? Why or why not?
7. Do you think boyfriends and girlfriends should go Dutch? Why or why not?
8. Do you think men and women can be just real friends? Why or why not?
回经常用英语回答这类由剧情引发的相关问题,能加快以英语思考的反应,并藉由这种练习去“predict what you’ll hear”。


找一个片段,把声音关掉,看着中文字幕,心里想想,换做是我,会用什么英文来措词(In Other Words)。可以在脑子里想,也可以写下来;可以自己练习,也可以和同学一起练习,一人替哈利的台词in other words,另一人替莎莉的台词in other words,做完一小段之后,再倒带回去,把声音打开,听一听电影中的英语对白,比较观摩一番。