Get rid of your credit cards: One of the biggest down falls that most of us have is the reliance on credit cards. Unlike spending real cash, when you charge it to a card you don’t feel the burn. So if you cannot control how much you spend on your card, then cut up your cards, leave them locked up at home, freeze them or bury them until you are out of debt. (Note: Don’t close the accounts since that can result in reducing your credit score!)


When I was in college, I went a little wild with student credit cards. I learned the hard way that I needed some control, so I froze the cards in a large pan of water. If I wanted or needed something badly enough to wait for the cards to thaw out, then it was probably worth purchasing. If not, I saved the dough. My mom still laughs about this, but I saved thousands in forgone impulse purchases. -- Kelly Colucci, Cumming, Ga. - quote source: Kiplinger

当我读大学时,我用学生卡有一点疯狂。我知道要采取些强硬的手段才能控制住,因此我将卡放在一大缸水中。如果我需要某样东西急得我恨不得我的卡马上干掉,那么我要买的东西就是值得买的。如果不是这样子的话,我就省下了钱。我妈妈经常笑我,但我确实省掉了因冲动而可能用掉的钱。----Kelly Colucci, Cumming, Ga. 来源:Kiplinger

Change your attitude: Like everything else in life, getting out of debt is heavily dependent on your attitude. Switch to a “Can Do” attitude. Stop giving into the victim mentality or self-doubts of whether you can do it. Start attacking debt and don’t stop until its all gone.
