Bergman was a man of extreme talent whom, throughout his life, struggled with the fear of death. In "Wild Strawberries," Bergman uses the protagonist, Isak Borg, to portray the extreme emotional discomfort that plagued Bergman at the time. Ultimately, the closer Bergman got toward death, the less he was fearful of it. He lived an extraordinary life, and left films of poetic affections to tell about it. In addition to his affair with Swedish actress Liv Ullmann, seen in the picture in Munich, Germany, on Nov. 19, 1976, Bergman was married five times and fathered nine children.

伯格曼是一个极有天分的人,他的一生都在和死亡的恐惧斗争。在《野草莓》中,伯格曼用主角Isak Borg表现了那段时间折磨他自己的情感的极度不适。最终,伯格曼离死亡越近,他对死亡的恐惧越少。除了我们在图中看到的他和瑞典女演员丽芙·伍尔曼的关系之外,伯格曼结过五次婚,是九个孩子的父亲。图片摄于1976年11月19日的德国。