"Fanny and Alexander," 1982, was one of Bergman's most prized productions during his lifetime, winning four Oscars, including the best foreign language film. The story revolved around Bergman's years at a university, in which he -- among other men -- competed for the heart of a beautiful girl. However, the girl rejected Bergman and other men due to her failed love with the prince of Egypt. She subsequently deemed any further love interests preemptive failures. In the photo, Bergman teaches his son Daniel how to handle a camera while Bergman's wife and mother of Daniel, Kibi Laretai, watches. Daniel became later a film and theater director.

《芬尼与亚历山大》(1982)是伯格曼一生最受褒奖的作品之一,拿到了包括最佳外语片奖在内的四项奥斯卡奖。故事隐含了伯格曼大学时代的生活,在大学里,伯格曼和其他年轻人一起追求一个漂亮女孩子。然而,这个女孩由于和埃及王子恋爱失败拒绝了伯格曼和其他人的追求,在那之后这个女孩子认为任何深入的恋爱都会失败。在照片中,伯格曼在教他的儿子丹尼尔如何使用照相机,孩子的妈妈,他的妻子Kibi Laretai看着他们。丹尼尔后来成为了电影和剧场导演。