像总统那样读书: 奥巴马最爱的8本小说
2015-08-14 10:29
"The Power and the Glory" by Graham Greene格雷厄姆·格林《权利与荣耀》
While the main character in Graham Greene's novel “The Power and the Glory” hasn't lived the pure life of Jesus, his experiences while on the run in Mexico provide an eery similarity to his Lord's sufferings.
The nameless priest shows quite human flaws, with a daughter from a past love affair and a current drinking problem, while the antagonistic lieutenant (an atheist) appears more as a reverse Javier from Les Miserables. Greene personally suffered his way through a two-month research tour in Mexico, according to John Updike's New York Times review in 1990.
这位无名的牧师带着一个和过去情人所生、有酗酒问题的女儿,尽展人性的弱点,然而,他和《悲惨的世界》中的敌对中尉(无神论者)是全然相反的。根据John Updike1990年的纽约时报书评,格林亲自去墨西哥研究了两个月。
"FDR" by Jean Edward Smith简·爱德华·史密斯《富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福传》
While many books have been written about Franklin Delano Roosevelt, focusing on his struggles with polio and foreign policy. FDR's relationships with women, from his strong and confident mother to his secretary (to his love-interest, Lucy) are covered just as well as the Japanese internment camps and the dynamics of the New Deal. Smith has shown up on the Pulitzer Prize nomination list, for a previous work on another former President (Grant).
"The Quiet American" by Graham Greene格雷厄姆.格林《文静的美国人》
Partly a mystery, partly a social commentary. Greene's book belongs on mystery, history, and social commentary reading lists. Ostensibly, it's about a love triangle between an American, an Englishman, and an Asian woman. Behind the human tragedy is the tragedy of the French Indochina war, which served as a precursor to the Vietnam War.
"Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak莫里斯·桑达克《野兽家园》
This illustrated adventure book has been making book lists almost since publication. Sendak's classic won the Caldecott Medal in 1964, as the year's Most Distinguished Picture Book for children.
Max is a very relatable child who wants to dominate his environment, especially his mother. In a fantasy land of fearsome beasts, he is allowed to tame and conquer the way he would never be allowed to do at home, eventually becoming their honored king after a battle of wills.
易词解词(BY 摩西)
dominate v.控制;支配;占优势。词根dom-,domin-表示家、房子、主人、统治,与日耳曼词源的tame v.驯服同源。啥是驯服呢?野生的变成家养的就是驯服。于是domestic是家庭内部的;国内的,domination是统治,domincile是居所;dome是一种特殊的原型屋顶;domesticate驯养就是将野生的变成家养的过程,而timber木材则是建造dome房屋的材料。