
gn. 暗示,模糊的概念(印象)

n. (尤指监狱、医院等机构中)同住的人

atev. 接种,打预防针

A pedigree pup should have been inoculated against serious diseases before it’s sold.(纯种狗应该在出售前注射预防严重疾病的针。)

rn. 内部的人,知情者

atev. 1.暗示,旁敲侧击地示意2. 悄然潜入

He insinuated that I was lying.(他暗示我在说谎。)

rad. =in so far as

insofar as(至…度,在…范围)


insomuch as (鉴于,至如此程度)

atev. 怂恿,煽动

It would not prove worthwhile to instigate a nuclear attack.(挑起核攻击最终是不值得的。)

ra. 1. 岛屿的2. 心胸狭窄的,偏狭的

Having lived in one place all his life, his views are insular.(他一辈子住在一个地方,所以思想狭隘。)

enta. 起义的,叛乱的

Insurgent forces were reported advancing in the region.(据报道,起义军在这个地区正向前推进。)


on. 虚张声势,逞能

v. 1. 酿造(啤酒)2. 泡茶,煮咖啡3. 酝酿n. 1. 酿造物2. (酿造饮料的)质量,品味

It looks as if a storm is brewing.(看样子一场暴风雨即将来临。)

n. 首当其冲

bear the brunt of sth. (首当其冲)

ha. (行情等)看涨的,上涨的

There was a bullish trend in the market.(市场行情有上涨趋势。)

own. 平房

uctn. 副产品

(the end)
