Here’s Huggable—Teddy Ruxpin for the new millennium. It’s a talking blue teddy bot designed to care for and comfort hospitalized children.

易词解词(BY 稻草人语)


 vt. 安慰,使舒适;

Comfortcom-with’和拉丁语的坚固的、强壮的’fortis构成,当亲人或朋友低落时,你去安慰他令他坚强起来的时候,这种行为就是comfort“安慰了,字面意思是【使某人坚强起来】。拉丁语中的fortis衍生出了今天英语里的:堡垒、要塞fort,也称为fortress,字面意思都是【加强防御之处】;强壮、武力则是force,因此有了英语中的加强”enforceto fortify】和强化”reinforce【再度加强】;为一件事所做的付出就是effort,这个词的字面意思无疑是一个人的【努力付出】。

The New York Times reported today it’s currently being used in a study that gathers kids’ physiological responses to various stress-alleviating stimuli to determine whether Huggable offers ill children therapeutic benefits or not. Eventually, that data will be integrated in the robo-bear to make it automated and able to respond to kids’ various needs.

Right now, the bear is more of a “high-tech puppet,” the Times writes. An adult down the hall controls the bear, serving as its voice, shooting the breeze with the young patient. The robot’s a collaboration between MIT’s Media Lab and Boston Children’s Hospital, which has invested half a million bucks to research social robots.

易词解词(BY 稻草人语)


 n. 百万

与中文的个位、万位、亿位这样的四位命数法不同,西方的命数法是三位的,所以一个数在中文传统中是这样表示的1 0002 0009,叫做一亿零二万零九,相同的数在英语中则是100 020 009,为100 million 20 thousand and 9。英语的进制是三位数的,onethousandmillionbilliontrillion这样的进制。这些单位一般在数学和物理中有着不同的缩写表示,其中,表示thousand概念的简写形式,一般使用来自希腊语的kilo-(如千克kilogram、千米kilometer、千瓦kilowatt、千焦kilojoule,这些都是我们常见的物理单位,一般简写为kgkmkwkj)。而百万million 则是拉丁语的mille‘一千的指大词形式,意思是【更大的千位】,即两个千的之积,也就是百万,因此就有了百万富翁millionaire【百万之人】;表示百万概念的简写形式,一般使用来自希腊语的mega-比如百万字节megabyte、百万吨megaton、百万像素megapixel、百万瓦megawatt,当然,我们比较习惯将这个百万译为)。

As with most robots, the ultimate goal is to get it to adapt to changing situations on its own, just as humans do. So maybe one day, if a child doesn’t respond to the bear’s jokes, it could shift strategies automatically. Switching to a calmer activity might help that particular child relax, for instance.

Will robots be caring for our future offspring? If the tech’s up to snuff, maybe. After playing with Huggable, the young patient in the Times video says the bear suffered from lagged responses and limited motion—a major problem when they tried to play peek-a-boo.