The Bird’s Nest
Xiao Feng
Rows of cement tower buildings and prefabs, looking from afar like groups of steep mountains, are a unique sight in big cities. They are stiff and stereotyped in form, unlike real mountains which a masterwork of nature with beautiful lines and implicit enchanting grace.
1,“水泥浇铸成的塔楼和板楼,鳞次栉比”译为Rows of cement tower buildings and prefabs,其中用rows 或rows upon row意即“一个挨着一个”,表达鳞次栉比
2,“水泥浇成的”可译为cement 或cement- poured,因为“水泥”和“混凝土”基本相同,也可以用concrete-poured代替
3,“板楼”指“预制板房屋”,译为prefabs,即prefabricated buildings
Nevertheless, the common people of Beijing will be content with housing accommodation, big or small, in a high-rise of gray, green or any other color, where they can enjoy the ease and privacy of their own home.
1,整个段落的主干为“生活在北京市的百姓(对居住环境)感到满足,不论是…还是…”因此译为the common people of Beijing will be content with housing accommodation…
2,“独立的,能够无拘无束地生活”译者按“不受干扰地,自由自在地生活”译为they can enjoy the ease and privacy of…,其中privacy作“不受干扰”或“独处”解,ease作“自由自在”解
Sometimes, while strolling in the street, I raise my head to gaze far ahead at the building where I live. As I identify the windows of my family on the 17th floor, I realize what we call our “home” is in fact more like a “bird’s nest”. It’s cubical like a box. Sandwiched in between the 16th and 18th floor, it’s still like something hanging high up in midair, touching neither the sky nor the earth. Apparently, it’s a bit too high for a human domicile.
1,“虽然它被夹在第16层与第18层之间”译为Sandwiched in between the 16th and 18th floor,其中sandwhich意即“插入; 把…夹在…之间; 挤在…中间; 把…夹在面包片中”,此处使用可谓是生动形象~
Therefore, I often envy birds their ability to fly freely. If they had a nest built on the 17th floor of our building, they could also fly back to it light-heartedly and then stand enjoying a leisurely view of crowds milling about in the streets. But, unfortunately, I have no wings. So I have to use the elevator in the building to get back to my “nest”. And, mind you, that depends upon the uninterrupted supply of electric power, the trouble-free condition of the elevator (which often has troubles) and the presence of the girl elevator operator on duty. Unlike birds, I can’t always act as I think fit, leaving or coming back to my “nest” freely as I please.
1,“也能舒展开自己的双翼,款款地飞回去”意即“也能轻松愉快地飞回去”译为hey could also fly back to it light-heartedly
2,“还能站在自己的巢里,优哉游哉地鸟瞰人群”译为and then stand enjoying a leisurely view of crowds milling about in the streets.其中milling about in the streets 意即 “在街上转来转去”是译者增译的部分,更加突出了“优哉游哉”的状态
3,“而电梯又受制于电的有无”译为And, mind you, that depends upon the uninterrupted supply of electric power…,mind you是增益部分,用以增加全文语气
4,“想要出门就出门,想要归巢就归巢”是典型的中式句式,而且还是很口语化的,需要我们进行整合,即“出门和回家都随自己高兴”,译为leaving or coming back to my “nest” freely as I please