Random Thoughts on Giving away Books
Hei Wei
1,“偶感”即“突然兴起的感想”或“随机的感想”译为random thoughts即可
2,“在长话中说”即“在长途电话中说”译为 told me over the long-distance,其中the long distance =the long distance phone call
3,“大意谓”即“大意指”或“大概意思是说”译为something to the effect that,这个表达在第一册也出现过,说明还是比较常用的
4,getting on in years意为“上了年纪”如:I am getting on in years and have difficulty getting about. 我已步垂老之年,行动多有不便.
1,“散书也是近年来我常常想到的问题”译为In recent years, I, too, have often turned over in my mind the question of books,其中turn over in my mind 意为“在我脑海里翻转”,此处表示“常常想到”,生动!
3,“倘若集中起来,也是一个小小的书城”意即“然而(这些书)加起来的数量也是很可观的”译为they add up to quite a large number though。
turn over in my mind以及第三点,都显示出了译者不拘于原文,从写作角度出发来组织译文的“境界”,值得学习。
Years ago, when I was transferred to a new post in Fuzhou, the capital city of Fujian Province, the removal of my books gave me a big headache. During the several years when I was in that city, my books were lucky enough to survive the disaster of the so-called “Cultural Revolution”. But, whenI was sent to do manual labour in the remote mountains of northern Fujian, all the books had to go with me by truck, which plunged me into a world of trouble. Two years later, when I was suddenly transferred back to Fuzhou, the books had to be loaded on a truck again fora long ride over mountains and rivers, exposing themselves to the dew drops of the mountain area and inhaling the aroma of green grass. It was not until some years later that the books, then packed in boxes, were at last transported back to Shanghai, the place where I had originally come from. I owe the safety of my books to the efforts of my second son, who is physically strong and bright and clever. Books that have survived the age of obscurantism are without doubt an invaluable asset.
1,“搬家最苦最累的是搬书”译为the removal of my books gave me a big headache,译者避免了直译的啰嗦,巧妙地将原文意思表现了出来~
2,“下放到偏僻的闽北山区”译为I was sent to do manual labour in the remote mountains of northern Fujian,译者在此用do manual labour为“下放”做了一个小小的解释,便于外国读者理解
3,“长途漫漫,车上驮着沉重的书,山一程,水一程”将意思整合下,合译为a long ride over mountains and rivers,简洁流畅
4,“焚书的年代”,可译为the age of book-burning,,现译the age of obscurantism(愚昧)
1,“待读又不可不读的书”即“需要读但是还没读的书”译为books for required reading that have not yet been read,其中required 作“必须的”解
2,“可读可不读的”即“选择性阅读的”,译为books for optional reading
3,“论斤卖掉当纸浆即可”译为by selling them off cheap as waster paper bound for the pulp mill.,译者再一次摆脱行文束缚,用cheap代替by jin,表示“论斤卖”,用as waste paper bond for the pulp(纸浆) mill,表示“纸浆”,站在理解的高度重新组织行文的做法,也有助于读者的理解
4,“恨起来快刀斩乱麻统统散掉”即“有时一阵心烦,就想立刻把它们都散掉”译为sometimes, in a fit of impatience, I will even feel like resolutely doing away them all at once.
Books of the first kind consist ofmany autographed copies of works by my literary friends and miscellaneous favorite books of mine as well as luxe editions of literary classics. They are to be kept intact by all means. But, as there is a limit to human life, the future of these books is unknown.
It is high time for me to give away my collected books. But it is beyond my power to do the toilsome labour of sorting out piles upon piles of books and then doing all the wrapping, packing and mailing. Fortunately, there are few things of much worth among piles of my musty old books. So I might as welltake it easy.
1,“有许多文友们著作的签名本”即“有许多文友们签名的本”译为many autographed copies of works by my literary friends
2,“…然而那些山积的旧书,倘若分门别类,分批分散出去,从包扎装箱到邮寄,如此繁杂的体力劳动,现在我是无能为力了”翻译时先找到句子主干,可避免译出来的文字过于松散,本句主干即“我已经无力做这些繁重的活了,(比如)…”,因此译为But it is beyond my power to do the toilsome labour of…
4,take it easy意即“沉住气”,用在此处较wait更贴合原文意思。