2014-11-25 16:48
Hints:Oxford, Cambridge
翻译 By melodyhan
What kind of student comes to Oxford? The answer to this is, there is no "Oxford Type." Common qualities they look for are commitment, enthusiasm and motivation for your chosen area of study backed by a strong academic record. The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world, and one of the largest in the United Kingdom. It has a worldwide reputation for outstanding academic achievement and the high quality of research undertaken in a wide range of science and arts subjects.
牛津大学都录取什么样的学生?答案是,并没有什么特别的“牛津标准”。牛津大学通常看中的是学生是否有深厚的专业功底,以及学生是否信奉所学专业,并对本专业充满热情、积极进取。 剑桥大学既是世界上最古老的大学之一,也是英联邦最大的大学之一。学校不仅拥有杰出的学术成果,在科学和艺术方面也进行着广泛和高水准的研究,这些都使其享誉全世界。 (以上为melodyhan翻译,欢迎与本人互相讨论学习。)