Kate Middleton
Cheryl Anderson Brown
Queen Elizabeth II
校稿 reallyyan
翻译 manhattan280
组长 莜珍
Press says Americans are mesmerized by the fact that Kate, born a commoner, could become the Queen of England. "The obsessive focus on everyday detail in our coverage of celebrity helps us to imagine ourselves in their position or helps us to deconstruct the mystique of these famous people, and ima…
媒体称,平民出身的凯特他日有望成为英国女皇的事实让美国人很着迷。 “媒体狂热集中的对名流日常生活细节报道能让大家产生代入感, 或者帮助大家解构这些名人的神秘生活,把他们想成和你我一样的普通人。” 在谈论王室婚典的不仅仅是美国人。在爱尔兰,“凯特·米德尔顿”在谷歌的搜索频率高于英国。在加拿大、新西兰和菲…