

1. 考点均匀分布,易出现在话轮转换处



仍以2006年12月Conversation Two为例:

M: Hi, Miss Rowling, how old were you when you started to write? And what was your first book?

W: I wrote my first story when I was about six. It was about a small animal, a rabbit, I mean, and I've been writing ever since. (22题考点)

M: Why did you choose to be an author?

W: If someone asked me how to achieve happiness, step one would be finding out what you love doing most and step two would be finding someone to pay you to do this. I consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing. (23题考点)


M: Do you have any plans to write books for adults?

W: My first two novels were for adults. I suppose I might write another one, but I never really imagine a target audience when I'm writing. The ideas come first, so it really depends on the ideas that grasp me next. (24题考点)

M: Where did the ideas for the Harry Potter books come from?

W: I've no idea where the ideas came from. And I hope I'll never find out. (25题考点) It would spoil my excitement if it turned out I just have a funny wrinkle on the surface of my brain, which makes me think about the invisible train platform.

2. 重复率较高的词或短语多成为考点


如问:What is the news coverage mainly about?

而原文中多次出现rebel forces, conflict, war等与"叛乱"相关的词语,也可判断本题答案为A) The latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.


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