

1. 把答题的立场作为主题。第一句申论主题。

2. 把主题范围缩小为焦点。第二句集中焦点。

3. 把焦点分两个支点招牌。第三句话分两头。(一头到中体承段,一头到中体转段)

>猫头鹰论【绿色经济】:Environment vs. Economy (真题No。01)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should focus more on environmental problems and less on economic development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.




缺点  (没有立场):1. Nowadays, there is a heated debate on opposing views between environmental protection and economic development.

缺点  (没有焦点):2. Some people argue that the government should focus more on environmental problems, while others think to the contrary.

缺点(没有招牌):3. Before giving my own opinion, these two perspectives will be analyzed in detail as follows.


1. 主题--你为什么不提出立场回答问题呢?没有立场也就没有主题。建议你最好直截了当的申论主题,少卖关子。

2. 焦点--你看,没有主题的结果是读者(考官)不可能知道你答题的立场,等于还没有回答问题。再说,缺少主题的焦点也等于扩大话题,只怕以后难以自圆其说。

3. 招牌--动手之前,先要立即想一想心图大纲【起承转合】。告诉自己也告诉读者:你在中体段落要证明什么?所以在引言起段中肯定需要从焦点里预表两个招牌(topic sentence),一个招牌引出承段的论证,一个则引出转段的论证。真担心你可能会中途忘路之远近,糊里糊涂地迷失跑题。




申论主题:1. The government ought to give priority to ensuring a green economy that matters to everybody.

集中焦点:2. Economic development without such considerations as pollution can cause serious environmental damage, in turn impairing the quality of life of present and future generations.

话分两头:3. Although this issue should involve everyone, it is up to the government to strike a balance between the demands of the economic progress and the need for protection of the environment.


申论主题:1. Mainly due to the phenomenon of global warming, governments across the world have been looking for solutions to reduce pollution that causes what is known as the "greenhouse effect."

集中焦点:2. Inevitably, the environment-economy debate has its focus on vehicular pollution linking in particular to an increasing use of private cars.

话分两头:3. The government is obliged to answer a question like this:  How to persuade people to drive less--an environmental necessity--while also encouraging them to revive the staggering economy by buying new cars in order to create more jobs? 


申论主题:1. The government should place emphasis on the green policy and not to allow such environmental problems as pollution to deteriorate, while encouraging eco-friendly economic activities.

集中焦点:2. Air pollution, in particular from the use of private cars, greatly contributes to the "greenhouse effect," known to be the main cause of climate change.

话分两头:3. Protecting the environment is of course everybody's business; however, it depends on the government to promote the economic progress without compromising the public well-being, now and in the future..