李老师上课的时候一直在强调英文写作的一个原则——be specific,真的是非常正确。英文写作确实是围绕例子来写的,能举出一个有说服力的example,比你写长篇论述要有利得多。为了做到specific,李老师举了很多例子,其实归结起来就是构思的时候,每提出一个论点,就要向三个方向发散思维:what, why, how,这样可以更快捷地让自己思路打开,从而找到合适的论据说明自己的观点。
李老师没怎么教我们如何写小作文,但是他提了最关键的——明明白白地指明文章段落和听力段落的联系,这个非常非常重要。其实我个人认为,小作文能否拿到满分看的就是这几句话。经常看到有人在BBS 上留言说自己也有点明联系,但是小作文分数还是不高,个人感觉就是点得还不够。我总结了自己的经验,就是在每一点的中间,也就是从听力段落内容过渡到文章段落内容的时候,要点一遍,然后在每个分论点后面还要在点明,最后在文章的结尾再次强烈点明,这样的明明确确是不可能不让你拿满分的。(e.g.如果听力段落有3个论点,就是一共要点明3x2+1=7次)
In this listening material, the professor made several points about____________.
First of all / Moreover/ Furthermore, the professor ***** that_____________________, while the reading passage ^^^^^^ (在这里先点明矛盾)that_____________________. (每一段最后再用套句来深刻点明矛盾)
*****可以在这里选词State/ claim/ argue/ discuss/ also mention/ then talk/ indicate/ say/ contend/ raise the issue/ demonstrate/ According to the professor/ make the point that/ hold/ believe/ show/
^^^^^^可以在这里选词 :( 的表达可以视情况改动)
(若反对)Contradict/ depart from/ refute/ disagree with/ oppose to the writer’s expectation/ cast doubt on/ present a (totally) different idea/ jeopardized/ this is anther part where experience contradicted theory/ differ from/ on the contrary/ this makes the explanation seem less likely/ in contrast
(若支持)Support/ illustrate/ strengthen/ agree with/ bolster/(perfectly) reinforce/ present the same view
1. The lecturer says that the theory stated in the passage was very indifferent and somewhat inaccurate when compared to what happened for real
2. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates
3. This was anther part where experience contradicted theory
4. This is entirely oppose to the writer’s expectation
5. This is where the speaker disagree with the writer
最后,(若反对)Finally, the speakers raises the issue that ___________. This point disagrees that ________________ demonstrated in the reading. So, the contents in the reading passage are totally jeopardized by the speaker and the speaker has totally different ideas on the topics made in the reading.
(若支持)Finally, the professor stated that, in support of the reading, ______________________________. This perfectly reinforced what the reading passage indicates, because the passage says that___________________________.
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