

Franko James Vincent


John Walker Lindh


Gremen Valley


Franko James Vincent from Baltimore, so he claims. 34 years old. Oh, my god. Or is this ... It's another John Walker Lindh? An American who went over to the Taliban? Don't know what he is yet. All we know for sure is he's given up a Taliban compound in the Gremen Valley, where he swears they're holding the two marines. Well, I get what you want from me. Transmit. Ok. Ready. Mr. Vincent. You say you know where the Taliban are holding two U.S. Marines? How do we know you're telling the truth? All right. The part about not wanting to die - that's true enough. When did you join the Taliban?
弗朗哥•詹姆•文森特,来自巴尔地摩,他被捕获。34岁。 我的上帝啊。 这是。。。又是一位约翰•沃尔克•林德吗?投敌于塔利班的美国人。 他的身份还不明确 我们只知道,他交代了塔利班基地在基姆峡谷的情报。他宣称他们挟持了两名陆战队队员。 好的,我知道你要我做什么了。连线。。 好了。 文森特先生,你说你知道塔利班挟持的两名队员的下落,是吗?你要我们如何相信你呢? 那好。“不想死”这样的句式可信度很高。你何时加入塔利班的?