450)=450"> 本期导读: 悲剧还是发生了,Cal也有害怕的时候呢~~害怕自己女儿也会发生类似的事情,他不管什么时候都在默默保护着女儿,虽然有时候会让女儿感到很压抑,这也不能干,那也得小心;其实这又何尝不是父爱的表现呢?!
Api/ZkzmHHRpCjbK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nni2KyslamJgZcQ0/XM5Gfa9kE5CjQA9kEqDhAQpE7dvon0R4/ -Cal: How you doing, 1_______? -Emily: I'm just thinking about Susan. She doesn't have a mom, and now, her dad's in 2________. What's going to happen to her? -Cal: I don't know, love. I don't know. -Emily: I mean, she was just 3______ that the older girls liked her. I was excited that they liked me. Now, a man's dead, and...Susan doesn't have any family. How did all of this get so 4__________? -Cal: See, this is what I mean about consequences, love. Can't 5_______ them. And when it comes to you... That's what 6_________ me the most...The 7_______. -Emily: I'm sorry. -Cal: It's all good. I love you. -Emily: I love you, too. -Cal: 8_________, all right? 句子开头首字母大写,不用加序号~~ 喜欢美剧听写的猛戳这里哦~~节目可以订阅了呢!
love prison excited messed up predict scares unknown Be good
你还好吧,亲爱的? 我在想Susan的事,她没有妈妈,爸爸现在也进了监狱,她以后该怎么办啊? 不知道,亲爱的,不知道。 年长女孩子们喜欢她,她很高兴。我也喜欢她们对我好。 可现在出人命了,Susan没有其他家人。为什么事情变得这么糟? 这就是我说的结果,宝贝,永远无法预测。最可怕就是,万一发生在你身上,那些无法预测的事。 对不起。 没事了。我爱你。 我也爱你。 你要好好的,知道吗?