

Stress is a very normal part of life. Most people feel stress at some time in their lives. It doesn't come from an event itself, that is, from the things that are happening in our lives. It comes from the meaning we give to what has happened. We can experience stress any time we feel we don't have control. It can't come from a feeling that we can do anything about a situation. Stress is not just caused by our mental or emotional condition. It is also influenced by how tired we are, whether we have a balanced diet with enough vitamins and minerals, whether we get enough physical exercise and whether we can relax. If we feel stressed, there are several things that we can do. First, we need to learn how to relax and breathe slowly and smoothly. We can also take some time out of our worried, busy schedule to notice the small things in life. Smell the air, look at the flowers, notice the small designs in the leaves on a tree — these activities can do much to quiet us and to give ourselves a small break in a busy schedule. We need to take care of our bodies. Being tired makes it easier for us to get sick and to develop physical problems related to stress. We need to get enough rest, eat well, and do some regular exercise. Finally, we need to find what is causing the stress in our lives. Once we have found it, we need to begin to change that part of our lives. If we believe that we can control stress, we can begin to control our lives.
压力是很正常的生活的一部分。大多数人感到压力在某个特定的时间在他们的生活。这不是来自一个事件本身,这种想法,从将要发生的事情在我们的生活。它来自于我们对意义发生了什么事。我们能经历压力任何时候我们感觉没有控制。它不能来自一种感觉,我们可以做任何事的情况。压力不仅是由于我们身心或情绪上的条件。它也受到我们有多么累,我们是否有均衡的饮食有足够的维生素和矿物质,我们是否得到足够的体育锻炼,我们是否可以放松了。如果我们感到有压力,有几件事情我们能做些什么。首先,我们需要学习如何放松和呼吸缓慢和流畅。我们也可以花一些时间从我们的恼人忙碌的日程计划注重从生活小事。闻一闻空气的味道,看看花,注意到小设计在树叶在大树,这些活动,但可以安静的我们,给我们小小休息在一个繁忙的日程安排。我们需要照顾我们的身体。疲劳使我们更容易生病和培养物理问题与压力有关。我们需要充足的休息,良好的饮食,并辅以常规的锻炼。最后,我们需要找到是什么导致了这种压力在我们的生活。有一次,我们发现它,我们需要开始改变我们生活的一部分。如果我们相信我们能够控制压力,我们就可以开始控制我们的生活。 ——译文来自: wst8853193