
-Carolyn: It's sad how my father's become the scape at for this country's problems. He didn't cause the recession. No, he didn't. He's one man ______1_______. Now it's going to haunt our family forever.
-Foster: You worked right by his side. I'm sure _______2_______, too. I know what it's like to be disappointed by a father. Mine drank his way through my childhood and then spent the rest of his life trying to make it up to me.
-Carolyn: Don't try to ________3_____. You don't know anything about us.
-Foster: He's still hiding some of the money for you and your children, isn't he?
-Carolyn: Of course not.
-Foster: You're ______4_____. So, what's he hiding?
-Carolyn: Nothing. But no one will believe him. They want to crucify him. They call him the Hitler of Wall Street. Nothing good can ever happen to our family now. It's been a horror.
-Foster: Carolyn used negative emotion words every time she spoke. Hell, scapegoat, haunt, Hitler, worthless, crucify...all psychological indicators of a guilty conscience.
-Loker: But _______5______ when she said her father wasn't hiding the money for them.
-Foster: No, she didn't.
-Loker: What if she's hiding the money? The sec cleared her, but only because her father _______6______. Maybe he's taking the blame for everything to hide whatever path is daughter had in the scheme.
-Foster: I just ___________7________, a man like Hollin wouldn't he hesitate to eat his young. Look at a manlike he's the devil, and you'll never understand his motives.
-Loker: Well, everyone knows she's a liar.
-Foster: Then ______8______.


who made a mistake you're upset he lied to you analyze me or my father telling the truth she showed no signs of lying took the blame figured that if his daughter was guilty we listen to him lie
真难过,我父亲竟成了国家问题的替罪羊。 经济衰退又不是他引起的。是的,不是他引起的。 他只是一个犯了错的人而已。现在却全家遭殃,永无宁日。 你一直在他身边工作。他对你撒了谎,你肯定不好受。 我理解被自己父亲辜负的感受。 小时候,我父亲是个酒鬼,他后半辈子一直试图向我弥补。 不许你分析我和我父亲。你对我们一无所知。 他仍然藏了一部分钱,留给你和你的孩子,是吗? 当然不是。 你在讲实话。- 那他在藏什么? 什么都没有。但是没人会相信他。他们想迫害他。 他们叫他“华尔街的希特勒”。 我的家庭将麻烦不断。真是太恐怖了。 Carolyn 一开口就使用消极情感词汇。 但当她说自己父亲没有,为他们藏钱时,并没有撒谎。 没错,她没有。 是不是她自己藏的钱? 她被证交会排除嫌疑,因为她爸爸替她背了黑锅 。 或许他归咎自己,就是为了隐藏女儿在黑幕中扮演的角色 我以为像 Hollin 这样的人,在女儿有罪时会毫不犹豫地落井下石。 你若把他看成魔鬼,就永远不会理解他的动机。 大家都知道他是个骗子。 那我们就听听他怎么撒谎。