从囚犯的表情看出他既有表现出愤怒,又有杀人后的后悔于羞愧,他到底有没有改过自新?另一方面,Torres可能有过被欺辱的经历,Dr. Foster认为不该让Torres参与此案,不过你也知道Lightman的固执~~呵呵,一起来看看事情的原委吧~

Do you think it might be helpful to 1______________________?
Gang leaders like Trillo learn early that respect is the key to survival. They need to respond to 2___________, and it becomes what we call an 3_____________.
He needs me to believe that he's reformed, but when I talk to him 4_____________, this is what we get. Nostrils flared. Lips tightened.
Anger. He can't control himself. Disrespect is still a trigger.
You're saying Trillo hasn't changed.
Not necessarily. When he talks about his past, he shows us something else.
And I took a life.
Shame. He's 5______________.
Yeah, but the anger trigger... No.
That's a survival trigger, and they're 6_____________. Doesn't mean he hasn't changed.
You need to compare this to emotional baseline-- old videos. Call the governor's office and see if they have anything they can send over.
Preferably before someone sticks another fork in Mr. Trillo.
Yeah. No problem.
You see that? You think you 7__________________ putting her on this case?
Well, who wouldn't want to be on this case? Evolution generally takes millennia, but change in a lifetime, now...that's something to see.
All the naturals that we have seen, they share two traits. They are uneducated and...
And the other trait should 8___________________ of whether a man can evolve.
Yes, but psychologically, if she has dealt with a history of...
Hey, if she has strong feelings about Trillo, then she has to 9______________.
Oh, so I guess, if someone's got to teach her how to avoid her feelings, then you're the 10__________.

clue me into your little experiments perceived disrespect emotional trigger with my mouth full truly ashamed for what he's done really hard to turn off made the right call have nothing to do with the scientific question learn to put them aside most qualified
给我点提示,让我融入你的实验之中不是会更有效么? 不会的。 像 Trillo这样的黑帮老大很快就会发现要活下去就必须尊重别人。 他们发现了无礼就得作出回应。 然后就成了这样,我们称之为情感激发点。 他要我相信他已改过自新。 可当我满嘴食物同他说话的时候他就成了这样, 鼻孔张大,嘴唇紧闭。 愤怒,他没法控制自己。 无礼仍旧是个激发点。 你是说 Trillo并未改变。 并非如此,当他提及往事他向我们展示了另一面。 我杀了一个人。 羞愧。 他是真的为自己的所作所为感到羞愧。 没错,可愤怒激发点... 不是这样。 那是生存激发点,很难控制得了的。 并非说明他未改变。 你得找个情感参照点可以和以前的录像加以比较。 给典狱长打电话问问有没有以前的录像。 最好是在 Trillo先生被刺之前。 好,没问题。 瞧见没? 你觉得让她参与这件案子没问题? 谁不想参与这件案子? 进化需要成千上万年的时间, 不过一生中的变化,比如这个... 有待进一步考证。 自然界里的一切事物都有两个共同特点。 它们没受过教育... 另一个特点同一个人能否进化这一科学命题并无任何关系。 没错,但从心理学角度而言,如果她过去有过… 嘿,如果她对 Trillo带有强烈的感情那她就该学着把它们暂时放一边去。 噢,那我想要是得找个人来教教她,你肯定是最有资格的了。