

If an alum took me here, I would want to playhoops for carver.
I bet it made an impressions on Earl White.
Am I going to be sorry you're here?
Barry white, Jack Black.
Does your radical honesty pledge mean you have to say everything you think?
Let's turn it off while we're working, shall we?
Now, _____________3_________?
Uh, Howard Taft, forty-five, made his money on internet job boards,. Led the funding campaign for carver's new athletic center. ________4_______
Mr. Taft, thanks for agreeing to talk with us.
Always a pleasure to talk carver basketball, Dr. Foster.
Oh, championship ring. Sweet. _____________5________.
Actually, I, hu, i earned it riding the pine for the 86 team.What's that?
It's a, uh, _____6____. It measures pitch and gauges anxiety.
We find it's less about what you say than how you say it. Now, tell us about your relationship with Earl White.


Why is it guys named White are always black and guys named Black are always white It's the only way to be truly honest what do we know about the booster Apparently he likes giving back. Must have cost a fortune online voice stress analyzer
如果给我钱我也想为卡打篮球 那肯定会让厄尔·怀特印象深刻 为啥叫怀特的总是黑人?而叫布莱克(黑色)却总是白人? 我不会因为带你来而后悔的吧? 巴里·怀特,杰克·布莱克 你那个彻底城市的誓言并不包括口无遮拦吧 这是真正诚实的唯一途径,工作的时候打住,行吗?我们对这个支持者了解多少? 他叫霍华德·塔夫,45岁,靠网上工作台赚钱,是卡弗新运动中心的主要资金来源,显然他挺懂知恩图报 塔夫先生,谢谢您愿意和我们谈谈 我很乐意谈卡弗的篮球,福斯特博士 冠军纪念戒啊,真不错,在网上拍肯定花了大价钱吧 其实,这是我为86对坐冷板凳的来的。那是什么? 是语言压力测试器,它能识别焦虑的峰值和读数 我们要测的不是内容而是你讲话的方式,现在,跟我们说说你与厄尔·怀特的关系