

We don't think you were doing anything sexual at that club because I believe this escort, Melissa, who you paid for time with...
What about her?
She's your daughter.
I've already 1__________. I'm tendering my resignation today.
This is the profile you registered in May of '06 at adopt connect,
A registry for birth parents trying to reconnect with an adoptee.
The adopted name you listed was Brenda Melissa Johnson. The date of birth would make her Melissa’s age now.
I was a junior in college at UA and I was 2__________ who was a freshman at the woman's college in Marion. She got pregnant. We agreed to a closed adoption. We both 3________. But I never stopped thinking about it. A couple of years ago, I registered to be found. 4____________. So I hired a 5____________.
Does Melissa... Brenda...know you're her father?
I didn't want to force her to 6_____________ she clearly wasn't looking for, but when I found out she was working at that club, I had to do something, so I went... started getting to know her. Gave her money. Tried to get her to quit.
We can tell the chairman and the press.
Please. No.
I am close to getting Brenda to 7______________.
If the press finds out who she really is, she will 8______________________being known as the congressman's whore daughter. I've already betrayed her once. I won't do it again.

admitted what I did seeing a young woman moved on Nothing came of it private investigator confront an answer make a change spend the rest of her life
我们认为你并未在夜店寻风流,因为我相信这位陪护小姐Melissa,就是你付钱请来的那位… 她怎么了? 她是您女儿。 我做的事儿已经都承认了。我今天就将提出辞职。 这是你06年5月在领养联系组织登记的信息,亲生父母登记后,组织便可以帮助匹配当初被领养的孩子。 你登记的领养子女姓名是Brenda Melissa Johnson,按登记的出生年月,孩子就是Melissa的年龄。 我当时在阿拉巴马大学读大三,跟Marion一所女子学院的一名大一女生约会,她怀孕了,我们说好秘密将孩子送去领养,后来我们都有了新伴侣,但这件事我从未淡忘。几年前,我在网上登记,希望找到女儿,可杳无音信。于是我雇了一位私人调查员。 那么Melissa…Brenda…知道你是他父亲吗? 不知道。我不希望强迫她面对这个她不愿意面对的事实。但当我知道她在那家夜店工作时,我总觉得做点什么,于是我…开始去那里,试着了解她,给她钱,努力说服让她别做了。 我们可以告知委员会主席和媒体。 拜托,别说了。 别说了? 我就快说服Brenda改变人生了,要是让媒体知道了她的身份,她这辈子都摆脱不了“国会议员私生女”的名头了。我已经背叛过她一次,不会再这么狠心。