the International Astronomical Congress

I have serious reason to believe that the planet from which the little prince came is the asteroid known as B-612. This asteroid has only once been seen through the telescope. That was by a Turkish astronomer, in 1909. On making his discovery, the astronomer had presented it to the International Astronomical Congress, in a great demonstration. But he was in Turkish costume, and so nobody would believe what he said. Grown-ups are like that... Fortunately, however, for the reputation of Asteroid B-612, a Turkish dictator made a law that his subjects, under pain of death, should change to European costume. So in 1920 the astronomer gave his demonstration all over again, dressed with impressive style and elegance. And this time everybody accepted his report.
我有重要的根据认为小王子所来自的那个星球是小行星B612。 这颗小行星仅 仅在1909年被一个土耳其天文学家用望远镜看见过一次。 当时他曾经在一次国际天文学家代表大会上对他的发现作了重要的论证。但由于他所穿衣服的缘故,那时没有人相信他。 那些大人们就是这样。 幸好,土耳其的一个独裁者,为了小行星B612的声誉,迫使他的人民都要穿 欧式服装,否则就处以死刑。1920年,这位天文学家穿了一身非常漂亮的服装, 重新作了一次论证。这一次所有的人都同意他的看法。