According to the National Enquirer, teen heartthrobs Zac Efron, 21, and Vanessa Hudgens are secretly engaged. The High School Musical star is said to have popped the question to his sweetheart while they were in Japan this January. They’ve been staying in Vanessa’s new home together, and the engagement is a way to appease Vanessa’s mother, who doesn’t want them to live together before marriage:
Zac… proposed to Vanessa during a joint trip to Japan in late January, say sources. The two are planning a long engagement and will tie the knot in 2010.
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Zac hasn’t given Vanessa a ring yet, say sources - but he’s hoping the proposal will buy him some time with Vanessa’s super-strict mom, Gina, who didn’t approve of the sweethearts living together before they were married.
You can say “Oh this is just The National Enquirer,” but they get a lot of stories right, and were the first to break the news of Vanessa’s nude photo scandal before the pictures even surfaced. I would bet this is true and these two are engaged, but whether it’s just for Vanessa’s mother’s sake or if they’re serious about it is up to question. It doesn’t seem like they really mean it if he didn’t get a ring. They seem way too young to be married, especially considering how famous they are. It’s not easy to make a marriage work at that age, especially in Hollywood.