

Chunghsiao Fuhsing Station



conjunction junction Chunghsiao Fuhsing Station is the junction of two MRT lines. juncture Taiwan has moved past the important juncture between one-party rule and multiparty democracy. injunction The woman obtained a court injunction that kept her ex-husband away from her house. joint Rheumatism usually attacks the joints in one's body. adjoin An aviation museum adjoins the airport. conjoin At the end of the movement, all the instruments conjoin with the chorus to play the grand finale. enjoin Electronic media are enjoined from airing cigarette commercials.
Chunghsiao Fuhsing Station is the junction of two MRT lines. 忠孝复兴站是两条捷运线的连接处。 Taiwan has moved past the important juncture between one-party rule and multiparty democracy. 台湾度过了从一党专政到多党民主的关口。 The woman obtained a court injunction that kept her ex-husband away from her house. 这个女人取得不让前夫接近她家的法院禁令。 Rheumatism usually attacks the joints in one’s body. 关节炎通常在人体的关节发作。 An aviation museum adjoins the airport. 一座航空博物馆与机场相连。 At the end of the movement, all the instruments conjoin with the chorus to play the grand finale. 在这个乐章的结尾,所有的器乐与合唱团结合在一起,奏出终曲。 Electronic media are enjoined from airing cigarette commercials. 电子媒体被禁止播放香烟广告。