2012-01-16 10:00
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Richard Branson
Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk
Paul Allen
Stratolaunch Systems
Burt Rutan
Richard Branson
Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk
Paul Allen
Stratolaunch Systems
Burt Rutan
Richard Branson has one. So do Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. Those wealthy entrepreneurs all have spaceflight companies. Now add Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen to the list.
Allen's new venture, Stratolaunch Systems, plans to build the world's biggest airplane to launch rockets from the sky. The plane will boast a wingspan longer than a football field. And it will carry rockets to wherever launch conditions are best.
"Stratolaunch will build an air launch system to give us orbital access to space with greater safety, flexibility and cost effectiveness, both for cargo and manned missions." Allen at a December 13th press conference.
This isn't his first foray into spaceflight, though. He previously teamed up with spacecraft designer Burt Rutan to build SpaceShipOne, the first private rocket ship to reach the edge of space. Rutan's company is building the plane for Stratolaunch as well.
Rutan says that air-launching gives rockets a 5 to 10 percent performance boost. But in trying to get to orbit, every little bit helps. "It's in a world where a small advantage is actually big."
理查德.布莱森有一个。杰夫.贝佐斯和和Elon Musk也有。这些富有的企业家都有航天公司。现在要在名单上加上微软亿万富翁Paul Allen。
Allen 的新投资项目Stratolaunch系统,打算创建世界上最大的飞机将火箭发射升空。飞机将有比足球场还长的机翼。并且它将把火箭带到任何发射最佳的位置。
“Stratolaunch 将建立一个空中发射系统,能够带给我们更安全、更灵活以及更大的成本效率进入太空的轨道途径,不仅是在货机上,还有人力控制方面。”
然而,这已经不是他第一次进入太空飞行领域的尝试。他之前和宇宙飞船设计师Burt Rutan一起合作来创建太空船一号,第一架能够到达太空边界的私人火箭。Rutan的公司将为Stratolaunch创建运载火箭。