资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖A Tearful Goodbye〗
<听写方式: 填空, 不用带数字序号>
A: ____1____(句子)
B: You've been the best roommate in the world, Kevin. But this isn't really goodbye -- I'm sure we'll see each other again sometime soon.
A: ____2____(句子, hints: Lo)
B: Take care of yourself Sally. And keep rollerblading. You're really good at it.
A: (sobs)Oh, Lo. I'm going to miss you so much.
B: I'm going to miss you too, Mina. We'll talk over the phone and email.
A: Have a safe trip, okay?
B: But before you go, we have something to give you.
A: What is it?
B: Open it and you'll see.
A: ____3____(句子)
B: Thanks so much, you guys. Of course I'll never forget you.
A: ____4____(句子)
B: Take care, Lo.
A: Bye, Lo.
B: Goodbye. Thanks you guys for everything. You've been such wonderful friends. I feel so lucky to have met you.
A: We're the lucky ones. Goodbye, Lo. ____5____(句子)

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

Oh, buddy. I can't believe it's already time to say goodbye. After all the adventures we've had, I hate to see you go. Lo, it's been so much fun hanging out. I'll never forget our double dates or our crazy road trips together. It's a photo album. We put pictures together from your time here in a big album so you'll never forget us. Alright, you'd better go through security and get to your gate. Take care and keep out of trouble.
<本期重点词汇> None <参考译文> A: 哦,兄弟。我真不敢相信是分手的时候了。我们共同经历了种种奇遇,真不希望你走啊。 B: 凯文,你是世界上最好的室友了。可着不是真正的永别——我们一定会在不久的将来再次会面的。 A: 罗,一起出去真的太有趣了。我永远也不会忘记那次四人约会和疯狂的开车旅行。 B: 照顾好自己,萨利。继续滑旱冰,你对那个真的很在行。 A: 我会很想你的。 B: 我也会想你的,麦娜。我们可以通过电话和e-mail联系。 A: 一路顺风。 B: 在你走之前,我们有些东西要给你。 A: 是什么? B: 打开它你就能看到了。 A: 是影集。我们把你在这里的照片做成了大影集,这样你就不会忘记我们。 B: 太谢谢了。我当然不会忘记你们的。 A: 好,你最好通过安全通道,然后去登机口。 B: 保重,罗。 A: 再见,罗。 B: 再见。感谢你们做的每件事。你们真是我最好的朋友,能遇到你们真是件幸运的事。 A: 因为有你,我们也很幸运。再见,罗。保重。好运。