Did you hoist a few on New Year’s? Of course, getting together with friends over a few adult beverages has a long history. Here’s the University of Cincinnati’s Kathleen Lynch, on the ancient Greek symposium:
“And the symposium is an all-male drinking event. It’s a time where a small group of men get together, usually at the home of a friend. And the focus is on drinking. And so they may have had some food earlier, but the focus is on drinking together. And the drinking together ______1_____.”
On January 7th, Lynch lectures at the meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America on the types of cups used at symposia over the centuries and how they give us clues to what was going on in Greece _____2_____.
As for the symposium, it had a couple of definite rules. First, participants ______3_____ and arranged themselves in a circle or square. There was thus no obvious head of the table, and everyone involved had an equal status. Second, everyone drank together in rounds, so everyone got drunk at about the same rate. This communal and equitable inebriation led to a common loss of _____4_____ and the building of, well, a _____5_____.
forms bonds at particular times reclined inhibitions fraternity
古希腊研讨会饮酒规则 新年聚会上,你是不是也得喝几杯?当然了,喝着含酒精饮料与朋友小聚,这种习惯有一段悠久的历史。辛辛那提大学凯斯琳·林奇教授在古希腊研讨会上说:“这次研讨会的内容是关于男性喝酒活动。一些男人聚在一起,他们常常会聚在某个朋友家里,主要活动就是喝上几杯。他们先前也许会吃些东西,但重点在于共同举杯,通过喝酒这种方式联络感情。” 一月七日,在美国考古学院的会议上,林奇教授做了一次讲座,内容是关于几世纪以来座谈会上使用的杯子种类以及它们是如何将希腊特定时期重要事件的线索告诉我们的。 而至于研讨会方面,有几个明确的规定。首先,参与者躺在椅上,围坐成一圈或者一个正方形。因为桌子并没有显而易见的起始端,所以所有参与者的地位都是平等的。其次,每个人轮流喝酒,所以每个人几乎都是以同样的速度喝醉的。这种集体而公平的饮酒方式使得大家都不用刻意抑制自己,同时还培养了兄弟情谊。