If 50 is the new 40 and 60 is the new 50, what’s the new 70? Well, it seems safe to at least say that 70 isn’t what it used to be. And that’s good. Because a new study finds that 70-year-olds did better on intelligence tests than 70 year olds used to do. In Sweden, anyway. The research was published in the journal Neurology.
The study compared a group of people born in 1901 and 1902 and tested in 1971 with another group born in 1930 and tested in 2000. And the [--1--] of 70 years old performed far better than the previous generation did.
The researchers say the newer seniors had [--2--]. They had better pre and [--3--] than their predecessors. They also had [--4--], a higher quality education, and better treatment of high blood pressure and cholesterol. And, the researchers say, today’s high-tech life also helps keep you sharp. Because all of those factors come into play in many other parts of the world, there’s reason to be [--5--] that it’s not just old Swedes who are smarter.
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如果说以前50岁只相当于现在40岁,60岁是现在50岁,那现在的70岁呢?我们似乎可以至少这么说,以前的70岁与现在的无法相比。没错,因为一项新的研究发现如今70岁的人在智力测验上比过去70岁的人强,至少瑞士的结果是这样。此项研究发表在《神经学》期刊上。 该研究在1971年对出生于1901年和1902年的人群进行测试,在2000年对另一组出生于1930年的人测试并比较这两组. 新一代的70岁的人表现远远优于更早的那一代。 研究人员表示小一辈的老年人有很多的优势. 他们比老一辈得到更多的产前和产后照顾. 他们拥有更好的营养,更高质量的教育,针对高血压和胆固醇更完善的治疗.同时,研究人员表示,现今的高科技生活也使我们更睿智.所有的因素加起来,我们有理由相信并不是只有瑞士的老人更聪明,而是全球通用。