For those of you who love a tall tale, the list of genetic variations that determine human height has just experienced a growth ____1_____. The findings were published by the journal Nature.
Height has a lot to do with genetics. If your parents don’t need a step stool to reach the top shelf, you’re probably ____2____, too. About 80 percent of height is due to DNA. The rest depends on diet and other environmental factors.
In the new study, researchers analyzed DNA from more than 180,000 people, looking for genetic differences that ____3____ height. The scientists, part of a consortium called the Genetic Investigation of Anthropocentric Traits (or GIANT), found 180 gene regions that govern how tall we get.
The variants, 100 of which were previously unknown, aren’t sprinkled randomly around the genome. Many ____4____ sets of genes associated with growth, including 21 variants found in or near genes that regulate the building of bone.
Of course even this new list comes up short. The 180 variations account for only 10 percent of the difference between a jockey and a jumpshooter. But the work shows that research into complex genetic traits is ____5____.
spurt right up there dictate cluster around getting off the ground
对那些喜欢以高个子为主角的奇谈故事的人来说,决定人类身高的基因变异种类突然井喷般增加了很多。这个发现被刊登在《自然》杂志里。 身高和遗传相关。如果你的父母不需要踏脚凳就可以摸到架子的最上层,你可能一样做得到。身高80%和DNA有关,其余20%则和饮食以及其他环境因素有关。 在新的研究中,研究人员分析了一百八十多万人的DNA,以寻找决定身高的基因变异。人类性状遗传研究中心的企业集团(GIANT)的科学家找到了180个掌管身高的基因区。 这些基因变异当中,有100种是之前闻所未闻的。它们并不是随便分布在染色体组当中,其中有很多几种分布在和发育有关的两组基因里,包括21种在和骨骼生长有关的基因里面或者附近的不同基因。 当然,这些新的基因变异种类还有不足。想要知道职业赛马骑士和篮球跳投选手身高不同的原因,这180种基因变异也仅能为你提供十分之一的答案。但是目前的工作显示,关于复杂基因性状研究的进展非常顺利。