A significant cause of disability in older Americans is, simply, falling. If you’re a ____1____ and you worry about falling, maybe you should go light on the drinks. It turns out that only two drinks — ____2____ — can make it more difficult for older folks to walk. The research was published in the journal BMC Research Notes.
Researchers in the Netherlands tested whether drinking a moderate amount affects a senior’s ability to bypass obstacles while walking. Because ____3____.
Thirteen healthy men and women, averaging 62 years old, walked on a treadmill. Then the researchers placed a thin wooden block on the treadmill headed towards them. The volunteers had to step over the block.
After only two drinks, the subjects moved more slowly, didn’t lift their legs as high, and were twice as likely to hit those blocks. The scientists say this result shows that even moderate drinking seriously affects gait – and, they ____4____, could increase the risk of falling. They add that despite the small study size, the effects were ____5____. So don’t drink and drive. And if you’re older, think twice about drinking and walking.
senior citizen within the legal driving limit an inability to avoid obstacles is associated with a higher risk of falling extrapolate unequivocal
造成美国老年人残疾的一个重要原因就是摔倒。如果你上了年纪而且也担心摔倒,那么你或许就应该少喝点儿。《生物医学中心研究笔记》杂志上发表的一项研究证明,仅仅两杯酒就会使年长者行走更为困难——而两杯酒还在法定可驾车的血液酒精含量以内呢。 荷兰的研究人员测试适量饮酒是否会影响一名上年纪的人绕开障碍物行走的能力,因为,避开障碍的能力欠缺与摔倒的较高风险率相关。 13名平均年龄为62岁的健康男性与女性在跑步机上走路,研究人员在他们的脚前放上一块薄木块,这些志愿者们不得不跨过这个木块才能在跑步机上继续走路。 两杯酒下肚后,受试者的移动速度会变慢,腿也抬得不够高,撞到木块的几率提高了两倍。这些科学家们成研究结果显示,即使是适量饮酒也会严重影响人的步态,并由此推断,还会增加跌倒的风险。他们补充说,尽管这次研究的规模比较小,但结果却十分明确,不容争辩。因此,不仅不要酒后驾车,而且,若你上了年纪,酒后走路也应慎之又慎。