Bookshops and DVD stores are closing up. No surprise, because who would pay more at the store when you can get it cheaper online? A bunch of Caltech undergrads, that's who.
Researchers found that the students were willing to pay 50 percent more for just about anything—DVD’s but also ____1____, Snickers bars, mugs—as long as the item was in front of them, ____2____ just the item’s image or text description. That study appears in the American Economic Review.
The researchers thought some sort of Pavlovian response might be ____3____—even though they didn't just test with foods—because they say seeing a trinket or a snack within reach makes you want to grab it and handle it or eat it. So they showed candy and chips to the subjects once more, but out of reach behind plexiglass. Under those conditions, the students' desire for the snacks ____4____, as if they’d merely seen an image or description.
So next time you're stuffed and the waiter wheels around the dessert cart, know that ____5____. Just cross your fingers that the chocolate cake's under a glass dome, to help you resist the urge.
potato chips as opposed to at play diminished the odds are against you
书店和 DVD商铺都要关门大吉了。这可毫不奇怪,因为若能在网上花更少的钱买到同样的东西,谁会去商店当冤大头?然而,很多加州理工学院的学生可当这冤大头当得不亦乐乎。 研究者发现,几乎对于所有商品——不仅是DVD,还有炸薯片、糖果巧克力棒和马克杯——只要你把商品摆在眼前,而不是仅提供物品图片和文字说明,这些学生会更愿意为它们多支付一半的价钱。这项研究已刊登在《美国经济评论》上。 研究者认为巴普洛夫反射应该或多或少在起作用——尽管他们并不只用食物来测试人——因为他们认为,一些触手可及的小饰品或小零食能激发人们拿起买走或吃掉的欲望。所以他们再次向学生们展示糖果和炸薯片,但是这次则将它们放在树脂玻璃底下,使学生们无法触碰。在这种情况下,由于这种情况跟只是看到物品图片和文字描述是一样的,学生们对零食的渴望变小了。 所以当你下次酒足饭饱,而服务员又推着甜品车四处转悠的时候,你就真可谓“前景堪忧”了。为了抵抗你那强烈的欲望,干脆双手合十祈祷有个玻璃罩着那个巧克力蛋糕吧。