

Guard Against Theft

Tom:Where is my backpack?

Marry:I don't know. Where did you leave it?

Tom:I just put it on the chair a while ago, but now it's gone.

Marry:Are you sure?

Tom:Of course, I'm sure. I bet someone stole it.

Marry:Well, you should've kept an eye on it.



Back From the Holiday

Gallia:Hi, Harry,it's great to see you again. I heard you've traveled a lot recently.

Harry:Yeah. In the past three months I traveled to many countries in Africa.

Gallia:Well, I really envy you! Did you pet a hyena? I'm just kidding.

Harry:Well,I didn't pet a hyena, but I was once chased by a rhino, and it was fun!

Gallia:Are you serious?

Harry:No, I'm just kidding.

Gallia:You really scared the heck out of me.

Harry:Well, I really missed the comforts at home. Now I just want to take a break.

A long break.